Course Coordinator: Dr. Grace Au, BA (SFSU), MSocSc, MPil (HKU), PhD (CityU)
Course Developer: Dr. Vincent Cheng Shing
This is one of the higher-level, core courses specially designed for students taking the study programmes in Law Enforcement and Security Management: Higher Diploma, Bachelor of Social Sciences and Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours). The course will also be interesting for other students in the Social Science programme who would like to broaden their knowledge in the issues relating to governance, public administration and the socio-political issues relating to public order. There is in principle no prerequisite for this course, although learners are expected to have sufficient language skills to be able to study in English at the tertiary level.
The overall aim of the course is to allow students to develop a sufficiently broad understanding of the areas of public order and public security management in terms of both theoretical and practical issues and to relate them to the local context.
LESM A302 is an inter-disciplinary course drawing from criminology, public administration, management studies, sociology and politics. As the course is about public order and security management, for which the disciplined services are responsible, there is first a special examination of the nature of disciplined services. The more specialized aspect of how these services manage public order is another focus. Finally, the intricate relationship between public order and public interest, including rights and responsibilities is analysed.
Learning support
There will be regular two-hour tutorials and day schools throughout the course.
There are three assignments and a final examination. Students are required to submit assignments via the Online Learning Environment (OLE).
Set book(s)
There are no set books for this course.