Course Coordinators:
- Dr Kevin Li, BBA (Hons), MSc (Econ) (HKUST); DBA (Macquarie University); FCCA, FCPA (HKICPA), CPFAcct
- Wong Chun Yin, BBA (Hons), MAcc (CUHK); MCG (HKMU); CPA; ACG; HKACG (CS, CGP)
This course aims to provide students with the tools and skills necessary for making prudent and rational business decisions based on accounting knowledge. It introduces the key theories in corporate financial accounting, and develops students' awareness of the institutional and regulatory aspects of the business environment in which accounting decisions are made for operating, investing and financing activities. The course also aims to provide learners with the knowledge and skills to effectively interpret tax statutes, analyse practical tax problems, and apply the tax statutes and rules. It introduces learners to the current tax statutes, case laws, and major types of direct and indirect taxes in Hong Kong.
The course covers the following topics:
- Theories of accounting, conceptual and regulatory frameworks, and financial statements
- Revenue /receivables /cash cycle, and revenue recognition
- Accounting for inventory, fixed assets and investment securities
- Debt and equity financing
- Leases, earnings per share and accounting change
- Financial reporting by groups of the company
- Overview of taxation and tax administration
- Hong Kong property tax and salaries tax
- Hong Kong profits tax
- Personal assessment and stamp duty
Contact hours
A total of 60 contact hours across one term.
The continuous assessment portion of the course, which consists of two assignments and classroom participation, accounts for 40% of the total course score, while the final examination accounts for the remaining 60% of the total course score.
Students will need access to a personal computer with an Internet connection.
Set book(s)
Ho, P. K. W. & Mak, K. P. L. (2023). Hong Kong taxation and tax planning (21st ed.). Pilot Publishing.
A custom textbook will also be provided.