Bachelor of Language Studies (English) with Honours and Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Primary)

School of Education and Languages Programmes & Courses Distance Learning Bachelor of Language Studies (English) with Honours and Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Primary)

Programme Information

Programme Regulations

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Bachelor of Language Studies (English) with Honours and Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Primary)
  Programme description
  Programme requirements
  Choosing the first courses to get started

Programme description

This double award programme is designed specifically for those people who have the career goal of becoming a primary school English teacher in Hong Kong. Through the programme you will gain a solid foundation in language proficiency, English studies and learning skills as well as professional skills in English teaching. The programme starts by constructing a solid foundation of language proficiency and understanding upon which to build progressively more demanding studies of different aspects of the English language. We aim to develop in all students an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the language. Integrated with your studies of language will be education courses developing you as a reflective teacher, knowledgeable about the curriculum, able to design effective learning experiences for pupils and to implement them effectively using a repertoire of teaching skills.

The programme provides complete preparation for language teaching and is listed by the Education Bureau as a Recognised Language Major Degree. Successful completion of the programme gives you full exemption from the Language Proficiency Requirement for English Teachers and the status of a fully qualified English teacher in Hong Kong.

Programme requirements

There are three pathways for students pursuing this programme. Pathway 1 and 2 are specifically designed for holders of an Associate Degree, Higher Diploma, or equivalent qualification.

Full programme (BENGHPDEP)
Students applying for the full programme (BENGHPDEP) are required to meet the programme-specific entry requirements as follows:

(a) have Level 2 or Grade E or above in English Language and Chinese Language in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination, the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education, or equivalent; and

(b) achieve satisfactory performance in a selection interview.

Students admitted to the full programme are required to successfully complete at least 147 credit-units as follows:

a. 24 credit-units from all core courses labelled CC in Table 1 ;
b. 75 credit-units from all concentration courses labelled CN in Table 1 ;
c. 9 credit-units of University Core courses labelled UCC in Table 1;
d. 12 credit-units from any undergraduate courses offered by the University at 1000-level or above ;
e. 18 credit-units from all postgraduate level core courses labelled CP in Table 2;
f. 9 credit-units from one out the four teaching subjects with their corresponding teaching practicums labelled MA, HU, SC and PU from Table 2; and
e. attain the CGPA for graduation as prescribed in the Regulations for the Mixed-level Dual Awards.

Pathway 1 (BENGHPDEP1)

Students applying for Pathway 1 of the programme (BENGHPDEP1) are required to meet the programme-specific entry requirements as follows:

(a) possess a recognized Associate Degree, Higher Diploma, or equivalent, in an area related to English studies; and

(b) achieve satisfactory performance in a selection interview.

Students admitted to the programme through Pathway 1 are required to successfully complete at least 87 credit-units as follows:

a. 3 credit-units of core course ENGL 2205EED labelled CC1 in Table 1;
b. 6 credit-units of concentration course ENGL 3320EED labelled CN1 in Table 1;
c. 12 credit-units from 4000-level elective courses labelled EC4A-1 in Table 1;
d. 12 credit-units from 4000-level elective courses labelled EC4B-1 in Table 1;
e. 18 credit-units from 3000-level elective courses labelled EC3-1 in Table 1;
f. 9 credit-units of University Core courses labelled UCC in Table 1;
g. 18 credit-units from all postgraduate level core courses labelled CP in Table 2;
h. 9 credit-units from one out the four teaching subjects with their corresponding teaching practicums labelled MA, HU, SC and PU from Table 2; and
i. attain the CGPA for graduation as prescribed in the Regulations for the Mixed-level Dual Awards.

Pathway 2 (BENGHPDEP2)

Students applying for Pathway 2 of the programme (BENGHPDEP2) are required to meet the programme-specific entry requirements as follows:

(a) possess a recognized Associate Degree, Higher Diploma, or equivalent, in an area other than English studies; and

(b) achieve satisfactory performance in a selection interview.

Students admitted to the programme through Pathway 2 are required to successfully complete at least 117 credit-units as follows:

a. 15 credit-units from core courses labelled CC2 in Table 1;
b. 30 credit-units from concentration courses labelled CN2 in Table 1;
c. 18 credit-units from 3000-level elective courses labelled EC3-2 in Table 1;
d. 18 credit-units from 4000-level elective courses labelled EC4-2 in Table 1;
e. 9 credit-units of University Core courses labelled UCC in Table 1;
f. 18 credit-units from all postgraduate level core courses labelled CP in Table 2;
g. 9 credit-units from one out the four teaching subjects with their corresponding teaching practicums labelled MA, HU, SC and PU from Table 2; and
h. attain the CGPA for graduation as prescribed in the Regulations for the Mixed-level Dual Awards.

Table 1

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit-UnitsCourse Label
ENGL 1110EEDEnglish for Effective Communication I: Listening and Speaking3CC  
ENGL 1120EEDEnglish for Effective Communication I: Reading and Writing3CC  
IT 1150EEDInformation Technology for Learning3CC  
ENGL 2200EEDEnglish for Effective Communication II: Reading and Writing3CC CC2
ENGL 2202AEDThe Structure of Modern English I3CC CC2
ENGL 2203AEDThe Structure of Modern English II3CC CC2
ENGL 2205EEDPreparing for IELTS3CCCC1CC2
ENGL 2210EEDEnglish for Effective Communication II: Listening and Speaking3CC CC2
ENGL 2225EEDShort Stories around the World3CN  
ENGL 2235EEDHong Kong Literature in English3CN  
ENGL 3320EEDEnglish Grammar in Context6CNCN1CN2
ENGL 3330EEDLexical Studies in English3CNEC3-1EC3-2
ENGL 3345EEDCritical Analysis of Modern Literary Masterpieces3CNEC3-1EC3-2
ENGL 3350EEDSecond Language Acquisition3CNEC3-1EC3-2
LANG 3329AEDSemantics3CNEC3-1EC3-2
LANG 3330AEDPragmatics3CNEC3-1EC3-2
LANG 3331AEDSociolinguistics I3CNEC3-1EC3-2
LANG 3332AEDSociolinguistics II3CNEC3-1EC3-2
ENGL 4300EEDThe Art of English12CNEC4A-1CN2
ENGL 4372EEDWorlds of English12CNEC4A-1CN2
ENGL 4415EEDCritical Approaches to Contemporary Children's Literature3CNEC4B-1EC4-2
ENGL 4420EEDPsycholinguistics3CNEC4B-1EC4-2
ENGL 4425EEDLiterature and Film3CNEC4B-1EC4-2
ENGL 4430EEDTechnology in Language Studies3CNEC4B-1EC4-2
LANG 4332AEDStylistics3CNEC4B-1EC4-2
LANG 4333AEDDiscourse Analysis3CNEC4B-1EC4-2
University Core Courses
UNI 1001ABWUniversity Core Values2UCC
UNI 1011ABWSocial Responsibilities1UCC
UNI 2001BEWEffective Communication and Teamwork3UCC
UNI 3001BEWEntrepreneurial Mindset and Leadership for Sustainability3UCC

Table 2

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit-UnitsCourse Label
EDU 8332EEDEnglish Language Education in Primary Schools: Learning, Curriculum and Assessment6CP
EDU 8721ECDCounselling, Special Education and Inclusive Education3CP
EDU 8842EEDEnglish Language Teaching in Primary Schools: Professional Skills (Practicum)3CP
EDU 8852ECDLearning and Teaching in the Digital Age3CP
EDU 8899ECDTeacher, School Curriculum and School Development3CP
Subject: Mathematics 數學
EDU 8333ECD小學教學:數學課程與評估6MA
EDU 8843ECD專業技巧:小學數學(教學實習)3MA
Subject: Humanities 人文
EDU 8334ECD小學教學:人文課程與評估6HU
EDU 8844ECD專業技巧:小學人文(教學實習)3HU
Subject: Science 科學
EDU 8335ECD小學教學:科學課程與評估6SC
EDU 8845ECD專業技巧:小學科學(教學實習)3SC
Subject: Putonghua 普通話
EDU 8339ECD小學教學:普通話課程與評估6PU
EDU 8849ECD專業技巧:小學普通話(教學實習)3PU

Choosing the first courses to get started

The programme includes courses in language proficiency, language studies and in the use of information technology for learning. If you are new to university study you should start your studies with 1000-level courses in English language and information technology for learning, as well as taking the 2000-level language studies course, ENGL 2200EED and ENGL 2210EED.

Once you have developed your language and learning foundation, you can move on to 2000-level language proficiency courses and the 3000-level language studies courses.


For enquiries about the programme, please contact:

Telephone: 2768 5807