Study Tours

Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Student Development Study Tours

Study Tours

Two-week overseas study tours are held to provide both undergraduate and postgraduate students with opportunities to study abroad, learn a foreign culture and its lifestyle, and be exposed to the language of global business. Each study tour is programme-specific and gives students a broad view of international business through class discussions, site visits, and exchanges with industrial bodies, local businesses and professionals. Find out more about our recent study tours as below:


Belgium (Antwerp) 2019, 2023; Antwerp Management School

France (Toulouse) 2019, 2023; Toulouse Capitole University

Germany (Heilbronn) 2019; Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences

Netherlands (Amsterdam) & United Kingdom (Norwich) 2019; University of East Anglia

Netherlands (Tilburg) 2019; Tilburg University

Spain (Barcelona) 2023; ESADE Business School

Spain (Madrid) 2023; Advantere School of Management

Spain (Madrid) 2023; LaLiga Business School

Spain (Madrid) 2023; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Switzerland (Zurich) 2019; ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences

United Kingdom (Cambridge) 2019; University of Cambridge

United Kingdom (Norwich) 2019, 2023; University of East Anglia


Australia (Brisbane) 2019, 2020; The University of Queensland

Australia (Melbourne & Brisbane) 2019; The University of Queensland

Australia (Perth) 2019, 2020; The University of Western Australia

Australia (Sydney) 2019, 2020; University of Technology Sydney


Japan (Nagasaki) 2019, 2023; Nagasaki University

Japan (Nagoya) 2020; Nagoya University of Commerce & Business

Malaysia (Semenyih) 2019, 2020; University of Nottingham (Malaysia Campus)

Singapore 2019, 2020; James Cook University (Singapore Campus)