MU Connect issue 1 (Jan 2022) page 06 and 07

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Getting practical

Individually, each programme is designed with practical elements to familiarize students with the corresponding profession. The Chinese and English Language Teaching degrees each comes with a practicum that comprises teaching as well as non-teaching experiences in local primary and secondary schools. The Language Studies programmes offer students the option to take an offshore credit-bearing course, namely Intercultural Pragmatics with the University of Warwick for English majors, and Children's Drama with the National Taiwan University of Arts or the National Putonghua Proficiency Test course in Beijing for Chinese majors. In fact, applied drama is a signature feature in the Chinese programmes. This year, two students in Chinese Language Teaching impressed the judges at the Eighth Hong Kong Outstanding Prospective Teachers Award with lesson plans that incorporate drama and took home merit awards.

In the field of Early Childhood Education, the School enjoys a long-term partnership with Heep Hong Society in developing the Special Educational Needs (SEN) curriculum. Since the beginning of this year, the Child Development Centre co-run with the organization at the Jockey Club Institute of Healthcare has provided a convenient site for training students in supporting SEN children. The full-time Childhood Education programme also organizes dedicated study tours featuring academic conferences, workshops and kindergarten visits to destinations such as the Netherlands and Nanjing.

We are not job titles.
We are human beings.

Many students at E&L are teacher aspirants. For Prof. Lee, a good teacher should be bold in trying new things, sensitive in communicating with people, and reflective of what they have come across. While a lot of this is passed on person-to-person, curriculum design and activities outside the classroom also help. Prof. Lee is keen to expand the literature component of the language programmes. 'Although we focus on applied language studies,' she explains, 'literature is life.' The School has seen an increasing number of students participating and excelling in literary competitions. On a wider level, Prof. Lee has initiated a research project known as 'Pandora's Box Plus' in collaboration with Encounter Playback Theatre, giving students a chance to discover themselves and others through playback theatre. The School is also looking to bring in non-credit bearing film and arts appreciation activities that help students explore important issues such as life and death. 'These are practical things. After all, we are not job titles. We are human beings,' says Prof. Lee.