MU Connect issue 9 (page 35 to 36)

Home About HKMU University Publications MU Connect MU Connect issue 9 (page 35 to 36)

Career Development Advisory Committee established

HKMU established the Career Development Advisory Committee last year and held its inaugural meeting on 22 August. The Committee invited nearly 20 industry leaders and elites in diverse sectors as Executive Advisors, working alongside students, alumni and University representatives to provide strategic guidance on enhancing students' career development and prospects, improving their employability and career planning.

First Government Career Fair

In collaboration with the Civil Service Bureau, HKMU held its first Government Career Fair 2024 on 19 September 2024. The career fair featured more than 25 civil service grades, including civilian grades, professional grades and disciplined services, with the participation of 16 government bureaux and departments that presented job opportunities and recruitment arrangements. The event attracted nearly 1,500 students.

New career readiness programme for enhancing students' career-related soft skills

Themed “Nurturing Career-ready HKMU Students”, the HKMU Industry Engagement Day cum Employers, Luncheon 2024 was successfully held on 21 November, with over 100 partners from various industries attending. At the event, the University announced the launch of the HKMU Dream Builder Scheme, a brand-new career readiness programme, to further enhance students, employability and soft skills in the workplace, encouraging them to actively explore their personal career paths in the future.

Triumph in rural revitalisation case competition

Sisi Lai, Huang Junyi, Kam Yuen-fan and Wang Ziming from the Master of Professional Management in Global Business and Marketing programme teamed up to join a case competition on rural revitalisation, co-organised by CPA Australia along with the Finance Function and Sustainable Social Value Department of Tencent. Under the theme “New Impetus for Restructuring Industrial Models”, the team addressed rural financial management problems with insightful solutions, leading them to win the championship. Huang Junyi was also recognised as the Best Presenter.