Course material delivery arrangements (part-time [distance learning] programmes)

首頁 Course material delivery arrangements (part-time [distance learning] programmes)
2021 Autumn Term
Materials collection date :  1 Sept 2021 to 10 Oct 2021
Note to students : You will receive an email informing you to collect your course material as soon as your material is ready. The email will be sent between 30/8/2021 and 10/10/2021. Please check your OUHK email account regularly during this period.
You may check course schedules, course news and access course materials via the OLE starting from 8 September 2021 (Wednesday).
Please note that the course material for your course is available for viewing starting 8 September 2021 at the OUHK's learning platform, OLE.
Please note the following if you are a new student:
To access the OLE, you will need to connect to the Internet.
  1. Enter the following URL:
  2. Log in with the following information:
             Username: “s + the first 7 digits of your student number
Password:  The Single Password you have created
(If you are a new student, you will need to create a Single Password: go to > Current Students > Communication & Support > Single Password Management. Then click Activate Password and fill in the information.)
  1. Select your course in your OLE Home page. Please refer to the OLE User Guide at  for more functions of the OLE'.
You may check the collection date of your enrolled course here:
2021 Summer Term
 Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration
2021 Spring Term
2020 Autumn Term

Click here for the opening hours of the distribution counter during adverse weather conditions.