Class Schedule and Timetable (Distance Learning)

教職員 選讀課程 遙距學習 Class Schedule and Timetable (Distance Learning)

View Class Schedule and Timetable

Before the term commences and during your study of the course, you can go to MyHKMU and refer to the section on 'Class Schedule' to check the confirmed timetable. You can find the courses you have currently enrolled in and the corresponding timetable.

Classes are normally delivered in the form of lectures, tutorials and other types of activities, and are mostly held on campuses. Class schedule for practical laboratory sessions, if any, will be provided by your School separately. As the timetable may change during your course of study, please be reminded to refer to the most up-to-date timetable before attending classes.

For part-time distance learning progarmmes, provisional timetable will be available on the University's website for reference during the course registration period.

In the Event of Timetable Clash

If you have timetable clash problem or special circumstances, you may apply for change of class section via Form T-TR 'Application for Reallocation of Class Section'.

The application period will normally start two weeks before the term starts.

The completed T-TR form should be submitted by email to

Day School Attendance

Many distance learning courses include a number of voluntary day schools. However, in some courses, you will have to participate satisfactorily in different forms of compulsory day schools or laboratory sessions, etc. in order to pass the course. For details of a particular course, please refer to the respective Course Guide.


If there are any questions, please contact the Class Scheduling & Tutors of the Registry on 2768-6677 or by email at