Senior Year Entry Programme Bachelor of Science with Honours in Science (STEM) – The Open University of Hong Kong

科技學院 課程 應用科學系 Senior Year Entry Programme Bachelor of Science with Honours in Science (STEM) – The Open University of Hong Kong

Bachelor of Science with Honours in Science (STEM)

Jupas Programme Code: To be confirmed
Non-Jupas Programme Code: BSCHSTEMJS

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More information can be found on the news article HERE.


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Full-time Face-to-Face: Senior Year Entry Degree Programme

The promotion on knowledge of STEM was first proposed in the 2015 Policy Address and further supported in the 2016 Policy Address. Apart from cultivating students' interest in Science, Technology and Mathematics, and developing among them a solid knowledge base, it aims to strengthen students' ability to integrate and apply knowledge and skills across different STEM disciplines, and to nurture their creativity, collaboration and problem solving skills, as well as to foster their innovation and entrepreneurial spirit as required in the 21st century. Through the promotion on knowledge of STEM in schools, it aims to nurture a versatile pool of talents with different sets and levels of skills to enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong. In order to further enhance and consolidate the knowledge of STEM among the youths on the tertiary tier, the Science (STEM) degree programme is proposed.
The flexibility of the proposed Science (STEM) degree programme allows the students to build their own degree from a wide range of STEM courses and study routes, including science, technology, engineering and mathematics – this means the students can build a qualification that's unique to them and suitable for their career development. A minor study is also an option if the students select a pre-defined cluster of elective courses.
The School of Science and Technology is now undertaking a STEAM project funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for implementing a STEAM education scheme, namely Jockey Club STEAM Education Resources Sharing Scheme. A number of learning resources and facilities including four STEAM laboratories will be developed to support the scheme. The scheme also allows the school to build a strong network with more than 100 secondary schools. Therefore, there will be a great synergy between the proposed Science (STEM) programme and the STEAM project.
Enormous opportunities are beckoning in Hong Kong and neighbouring Mainland cities. There are currently about 1300 innovation and technology companies and incubatees in the Hong Kong Science Park and Cyberport. Our Science (STEM) degree will be the good starting point of students' career path in this international innovation and technology hub.

The aims of the programme are to

 Job Opportunity

The flexibility of the STEM degree makes it relevant to a wide range of careers and industries – many of which require proficiency in a range of STEM-based skills. Its flexibility particularly suits people with multi-faceted work roles. The job titles and positions summarized from the job advertisement available on the major websites include but not limited to research analyst, research assistant, research engineer, project administrator, project engineer, product/sales specialist, sales engineer, project assistant, graduate trainee, STEM trainer/teacher/instructor, etc. The potential employers can be the instrument retailers, organisations or companies with research and development works, educational institutions, etc.

Entry Requirement

Year 2 Entry

Year 3 Entry

The programme structure is as follows:

Year 2 Entry
Year Two
Lab Safety and Good Laboratory Practice (SCI S110F) Mathematics Course on Middle Level
Technology Course on Middle Level 4 Designated Elective Courses (Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3)
Principles of Product Design & Manufacturing Process Management (TC S280F)
Year Three
Research Methodology and Pedagogy on STEM (SCI 300F) 6 Designated Elective Courses (Level 2 or Level 3)
 Professional Training and Workplace Attachment (SCI 390F)
Year Four
6 Designated Elective Courses (Level 3 or Level 4)
STEM in Practice (SCI S490F)


Year 3 Entry
Year Three
Research Methodology and Pedagogy on STEM (SCI 300F)  6 Designated Elective Courses (Level 2 or Level 3)
 Professional Training and Workplace Attachment (SCI 390F)
Year Four
6 Designated Elective Courses (Level 3 or Level 4)
STEM in Practice (SCI S490F)
Designated Elective Courses:
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Essential Biology (BIOL S103F) Biochemistry & Microbiology (BIOL S235F) Conservation & Biodiversity (BIOL S301F) Contemporary Biology Development (BIOL S401F)
Introduction to Internet Application Development (IT S103F) Cellular & Molecular Biology (BIOL S236F) Animal & Plant Physiology (BIOL S302F) Medical Genetics and Immunology (BIOL S402F)
Introduction to Computer Engineering (ELEC S100F) Nutrition and Food Chemistry (CHEM S201F) Human Physiology (BIOL S312F) Tools and Techniques in Biotechnology (BIOL S406F)
Basic Sciences for Engineers (SCI S100F) Physical & Organic Chemistry (CHEM S234F) Practical Skills in Ecology (BIOL S337F) Advanced Topics in Food & Health Sciences (SCI S404F)
Engineering Mathematics I (MATH S131F) Analytical Chemistry (CHEM S350F) Microbiology & Toxicology (BIOL S351F) Professional Practice and Ethics (TC S420F)
Environmental Pollution & Control (ENVR S236F) Biochemical & DNA Technologies (BIOL S356F) Selected Topics in Food Safety (TC S463F)
Laboratory Techniques in Practice (SCI S291F) Environmental Pollution & Global Climate Changes (ENVR S307F) Application Design and Development for Mobile Devices (COMP S413F)
Java Programming Fundamentals (COMP S202F) Advances in Environmental Impact Assessment (ENVR S328F) Machine Learning (COMP S492F)
Intermediate Java Programming and User Interface Design (COMP S203F) Practical Skills in Ecology (ENVR S337F) Light Technology (ENGG S401F)
Introduction to Computer Programming (COMP S208F) Green Environmental Monitoring in Practice (ENVR S374F) Biomedical Instrumentation and Sensor (ELEC S420F)
Data Structures, Algorithms, and Problem Solving (COMP S209F) Scientific Research Methods (SCI S330F) Biomedical Informatics (ELEC S421F)
Signals and Systems (ELEC S205F) Chemical & Microbiological Analytical Techniques (SCI S352F) Advanced HVAC & Electrical Installation (ENGG S400F)
Human Computer Interaction & User Experience Design (ITS290F) Emerging Technologies in Food Analysis (SCI S364F) Construction Information Technology (ENGG S403F)
Basic Electronics (ELEC S201F) Conformity Assessment and Laboratory Accreditation (TC S311F) Fire Services (ENGG S402F)
Electric Circuit Design (ELEC S241F) Microbiology & Toxicology (TC S351F) Commissioning of Facilities (ENGG S404F)
Foundation and Construction Engineering (ENGG S201F) Food Analysis (TC S365F) Highway and Traffic Engineering (ENGG S407F)
Fluid Mechanics (ENGG S202F) Principles of Good Manufacturing Practice (TC S380F) Hydraulics & Hydrology (ENGG S408F)
Electrical Technology (ENGG S205F) Java Application Development (COMP S312F) Safety and Reliability for Science and Technology (TC S409F)
Water and Wastewater Treatment Techniques for Civil Engineering (ENGG S207F) Mobile Application Programming (COMP S313F) Standard and its Practice (TC S415F)
Introduction to Material Science (ENGG S260F) Database Management (COMP S320F) Advanced Topics in Data Mining (STAT S460F)
Engineering Mathematics II (MATH S232F) Advanced Database and Data Warehousing (COMP S321F)
Engineering Mathematics III (MATH S233F) Software Engineering (COMP S350F)
Linear Algebra (MATH S262F) Software Project Management (COMP S351F)
Data Analytics with Applications (STAT S261F) Concurrent and Network Programming (COMP S362F)
Big Data in Organization (STAT S263F) Distributed Systems and Parallel Computing (COMP S363F)
Metrology and Calibration (TC S220F) Web Applications: Design and Development (COMP S380F)
Server-side Technologies and Cloud Computing (COMP S381F)
Data Mining and Analytics (COMP S382F)
Creative Programming for Games (COMP S390F)
Communication Systems (ELEC S304F)
 Computer Networking (ELEC S305F)
Wireless Networks (ELEC S306F)
Routing and switching technologies (ELEC S315F)
Multimedia Technologies (ELEC S347F)
Advanced Computer Design (ELEC S363F)
Design and Manufacturing for Green Buildings and Facilities (ENVR S308F)
Energy Resources & Sustainable Energy  Strategies (ENVR S311F)
Quality management for Science and Technology (TC S319F)
Physical & Mechanical Behavior of Materials (TC S330F)
Principles of Physical & Mechanical Materials Testing (TC S331F)
Materials Characterization & Testing (TC S332F)
Electrical Safety & Energy Efficiency (TC S341F)
EMC Measurement & Control (TC S342F)
High Dimensional Data Analysis (STAT S313F)
SAS Programming (STAT S366F)
Measurement Uncertainty, Method Validation and Automation (TC S320F)

WhatsApp us for programme enquiry

Jonathan Chiu
Marketing Director
3DP Technology Limited

Jonathan handles all external affairs include business development, patents write up and public relations. He is frequently interviewed by media and is considered a pioneer in 3D printing products.

Krutz Cheuk
Biomedical Engineer
Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital

After graduating from OUHK, Krutz obtained an M.Sc. in Engineering Management from CityU. He is now completing his second master degree, M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering, at CUHK. Krutz has a wide range of working experience. He has been with Siemens, VTech, and PCCW.

Hugo Leung
Software and Hardware Engineer
Innovation Team Company Limited

Hugo Leung Wai-yin, who graduated from his four-year programme in 2015, won the Best Paper Award for his ‘intelligent pill-dispenser’ design at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering’s International Conference on Consumer Electronics – China 2015.

The pill-dispenser alerts patients via sound and LED flashes to pre-set dosage and time intervals. Unlike units currently on the market, Hugo’s design connects to any mobile phone globally. In explaining how it works, he said: ‘There are three layers in the portable pillbox. The lowest level is a controller with various devices which can be connected to mobile phones in remote locations. Patients are alerted by a sound alarm and flashes. Should they fail to follow their prescribed regime, data can be sent via SMS to relatives and friends for follow up.’ The pill-dispenser has four medicine slots, plus a back-up with a LED alert, topped by a 500ml water bottle. It took Hugo three months of research and coding to complete his design, but he feels it was worth all his time and effort.

Hugo’s public examination results were disappointing and he was at a loss about his future before enrolling at the OUHK, which he now realizes was a major turning point in his life. He is grateful for the OUHK’s learning environment, its industry links and the positive guidance and encouragement from his teachers. The University is now exploring the commercial potential of his design with a pharmaceutical company. He hopes that this will benefit the elderly and chronically ill, as well as the society at large.

Soon after completing his studies, Hugo joined an automation technology company as an assistant engineer. He is responsible for the design and development of automation devices. The target is to minimize human labor and increase the quality of products. He is developing products which are used in various sections, including healthcare, manufacturing and consumer electronics.

Course Code Title Credits
  COMP S321F Advanced Database and Data Warehousing 5
  COMP S333F Advanced Programming and AI Algorithms 5
  COMP S351F Software Project Management 5
  COMP S362F Concurrent and Network Programming 5
  COMP S363F Distributed Systems and Parallel Computing 5
  COMP S382F Data Mining and Analytics 5
  COMP S390F Creative Programming for Games 5
  COMP S492F Machine Learning 5
  ELEC S305F Computer Networking 5
  ELEC S348F IOT Security 5
  ELEC S371F Digital Forensics 5
  ELEC S431F Blockchain Technologies 5
  ELEC S425F Computer and Network Security 5
 Course CodeTitleCredits
 ELEC S201FBasic Electronics5
 IT S290FHuman Computer Interaction & User Experience Design5
 STAT S251FStatistical Data Analysis5
 Course CodeTitleCredits
 COMPS333FAdvanced Programming and AI Algorithms5
 COMPS362FConcurrent and Network Programming5
 COMPS363FDistributed Systems and Parallel Computing5
 COMPS380FWeb Applications: Design and Development5
 COMPS381FServer-side Technologies and Cloud Computing5
 COMPS382FData Mining and Analytics5
 COMPS390FCreative Programming for Games5
 COMPS413FApplication Design and Development for Mobile Devices5
 COMPS492FMachine Learning5
 ELECS305FComputer Networking5
 ELECS363FAdvanced Computer Design5
 ELECS425FComputer and Network Security5