Field Trip

社會科學系 Experiential Learning Quality Enhancement Support Scheme Field Trip

South Korea Tour

Students from MA in Cultural & Heritage Studies visited different heritage sites in South Korea to explore the significance and limitations of the preservation policy in South Korea in May 2023. Students also presented their heritage projects with the students from Korea University.

Macao World Heritage and Cultural Tour

Prison Visit

13 students of Master of Social Sciences in Crime Control and Social Policy Studies visited Cape Collinson Correctional Institution (哥連臣角懲教所), Correctional Services Department on 17 August 2019. This event was very meaningful as student could learn more about the correctional facilities through interacting with the staff and inmates there.

Visiting Operation Dawn

Postgraduate and undergraduate students visited Operation Dawn (晨曦島戒毒中心). In this event, students could learn more about drug rehabilitation. Students had also experienced the feeling of people who use drugs with the aid of VR technology.