HKSAR Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme

Student Affairs Office Scholarships and Awards HKSAR Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme

The Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme (SPSS) aims to give recognition not only to students with outstanding academic performance, but also those with achievements and talents in other non-academic fields. In 2022/23, the HKMU takes pride in having more than 900 students/graduates granted scholarships including the Outstanding Performance Scholarship (OPS), Best Progress Award (BPA), Talent Development Scholarship (TDS), Reaching Out Award (ROA), Endeavour Scholarship (EDS), totaling over $16 million.  Please click here to view the list of awardees.

Who's Eligible?

  • Students pursuing full-time locally-accredited self-financing sub-degree or bachelor’s degree (including top-up degree) programmes at HKMU.

Types of Scholarships:

  • There are five types of scholarships under the Scheme, namely:
    1. Outstanding Performance Scholarship (OPS)
    2. Best Progress Award (BPA)
    3. Endeavour Scholarship (EDS)
    4. Talent Development Scholarship (TDS)
    5. Reaching Out Award (ROA)
  • Please read the HKMU Information Sheet for details or visit the Government website.

How to Submit Self-Nomination?

  • Applicants should read the respective Guidance Notes for Endeavour Scholarship (EDS), Talent Development Scholarship (TDS) or Reaching Out Award (ROA) before completing the online self-nomination via the student portal “MyHKMU” (

    EDS Guidance Notes [SPSS_EDS (2023/24) Guide-e]
    TDS Guidance Notes [SPSS_TDS (2023/24) Guide-e]
    ROA Guidance Notes [SPSS_ROA-B (2023/24) Guide-e]

  • Applicants should seek recommendation from Schools.
    EDS and TDS applicants please invite one full-time academic staff of their School to sign on the recommendation form [SPSS_EDS (2023/24) Recom-e or SPSS_TDS (2023/24) Recom-e].
    ROA applicants please seek endorsement [SPSS_ROA-B (2023/24) Recom-e] from their Programme Leader.
  • Awardees of Outstanding Performance Scholarship (OPS) and Best Progress Award (BPA) are nominated by Schools based on their academic achievements and other criteria of scholarships, students are not required to submit relevant applications.
  • The University has set up a Selection Panel, comprising the Vice President (Research & Student Development), School Deans and SAO Director.  All the above scholarships and awards will be considered by the Sub-committee on Support Measures of the CSPE on the nomination of the University.
  • Self-nomination Deadline:
    EDS 03 December 2023 (Sunday)
    TDS 03 December 2023 (Sunday)
    ROA 07 January 2024 (Sunday)

Notification of Result

  • The internal nomination result will be announced (via e-mail) by early February 2024.  Final results and payment arrangement will be announced by May 2024.

Disclaimer: Hong Kong Metropolitan University reserves the right of final decision on selecting the above scholarship nominees or awardees. All information provided above will be reviewed periodically without further notice. If you have any queries about the information, please email us at