Complete DASS-21 Questionnaire (5 mins)
Deadline: 10 Dec 2022
Complete the DASS-21 Questionnaire Now
- DASS-21 is a self-report scale which can measure students' present emotional states.
- To help identify the emotional status and needs of students.
- Counsellors may contact the students to follow up if necessary.
Complete Fitness Assessment (10 mins)
Period: 14 Sep – 10 Dec 2022
Date: 7, 8, 28 & 29 November 2022
Time: 11:30 – 14:30
Location: F0901, 9/F, IOH
Further details of other fitness assessments will be announced on this webpage or via University email in due course.
- To evaluate your physical fitness level and serve as a baseline data for developing fitness goals in your University life.
- Fitness instructors will provide fitness tips, sports activity recommendation to freshmen.
- 4 items would be assessed:
- Body composition e.g. measure height, weight & body fat
- Hand grip test
- Sit and reach test
- Standing long jump
Log in to Student Mobile App (1 min)
Deadline: 10 Dec 2022
Student mobile app extends HKMU student self-services to mobile devices. It supports English and Chinese versions. The App uses the same User ID and password as MyHKMU.
It allows you to:
- view personal information
- view the academic records
- view the enrolled course code, title, and class location
- sync the class/exam schedule in your mobile phone
- and more…
More about Student Mobile App
Download on Google Play Store
Download on Apple App Store
Borrow ONE Book from HKMU Library (3 mins)
Deadline: 10 Dec 2022
1. Stanley Ho Library: Level 1 & 2, Main Campus
2. Ho Sik Yee Library: Level 5, Jockey Club Campus
More about HKMU Library
Join ONE SAO Student Enrichment Activity
Deadline: 10 Dec 2022
- SAO has been providing various opportunities to enrich the student life experience.
Students are invited to participate in any ONE activity under the following categories in order to complete the mission:
1. Career Development
2. Service Learning and Volunteer Services
3. Sports Development
4. Campus Run
Eligible activities will be marked with the icon of Freshmen Programme:
Q1. Will my completion of mission(s) be automatically recorded?
Answer: Yes, your completion of mission(s) will be automatically recorded by Student Affairs Office.
Q2. Will I receive any notification upon completion of mission(s)?
Answer: Yes. Each freshman will receive an email notification email by end of each month, stating their progress in Freshmen Programme.
Q3. When will I receive the Free 1-Day Ticket to HK Disneyland after completing 6 missions?
Answer: You will receive a notification email upon completion of 6 missions. Please pick up your ticket in person at Hong Kong Disneyland on the HKMU Disneyland Fun Day.
Q4. Will I be included in the lucky draw for Gold Magic Access Annual Pass after participating in 1 SAO Enrichment Activity?
Answer: Yes. You will be automatically included and receive a notification email for the lucky draw.
Q5. When will the lucky draw for Gold Magic Access Annual Pass be conducted?
Answer: By end of December 2022.
In case of any dispute, the decision of Student Affairs Office shall be final.