COVID-19 Arrangement

COVID-19 Arrangement. Being an integral part of an advancing metropolis, we offer a wide range of innovative, professional and industry-responsive programmes to meet your learning aspirations and address the contemporary needs of the city and neighbouring regions.

Research Office (RO), from the University Research Centre* of the past, is the centralized unit of the Open University of Hong Kong facilitating research activities of the University, supporting research carried out by staff of the University and coordinating development projects with external funding.
RO is ready to serve you in the following ways:
For OUHK academics, we:
Support you in your applications for internal and external funding for research projects;
Assist you to ensure that your funding resources are utilized according to relevant University guidelines and regulations;
Support you in your applications for ethical clearance or safety approval for your research projects;
Offer advice on issues related to applications for research funding;
Assist you to handle your intellectual properties, related to funded research;
Assist you to build up research links with relevant external organizations or research teams, when relevant opportunities arise;
Assist you to record your research publications in relevant University records;
Organise seminars/workshops for professional development related to research; and
Promote responsible conduct of research.
For OUHK units, we:
Work with you to ensure that research is properly promoted and that research activities are carried out according to relevant University guidelines and regulations;
Offer advice and/or support on research projects for executive decisions and administrative purposes of the University;
Support you in your application for external funding for development projects; and
Collaborate with you to assist the University to establish networks with relevant institutions or organizations.
For academics of all institutions, we:
Coordinate with research development units of local institutions to promote and facilitate research collaboration;
Offer you chances to present your research ideas or results, through our academic conferences and symposia; and
Provide you with opportunities for sharing your outputs/results of your academic studies, through our publications.
For our community, we:
Assist academics to collaborate with local and overseas institutions in research and other scholarly projects.
*It was transformed in 2012 from the Centre for Research in Distance and Adult Learning (CRIDAL), which was established in 1997 as an academic unit of the University.