FHDTHS Higher Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Studies

Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE) Higher Diploma / Diploma Programmes FHDTHS Higher Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Studies
Attractive Overseas
Articulation Pathways
Visiting International MICE and
Special Events
Internship Opportunities in 5-Star Hotels
Global Academic Networks to
Enhance Career Opportunities
Selected for the “Study Subsidy Scheme For Designated Professions/ Sectors (SSSDP)”

Mode of Study


Medium of Instruction

Except for Chinese language courses, lectures will be conducted in English (supplemented with Chinese as appropriate) and teaching notes and course assessments are in English.


2 Years Full-time

Supported by

Teaching and internship in Hong Kong region supported by



2025-2026 Intake
[Local Students]

  Tuition Fee Per Year
Subsidy from SSSDP ^
Total Tuition Fee for reference*
Year 1 $66,250 -$23,390 $42,860
Year 2 $66,250 -$23,390 $42,860


^ This programme is subsidized by the government under the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP). The stated subsidy amount is for Academic year of 2025/26. The amount will be adjusted every academic year and actual subsidy amount is confirmed according to Government announcement.

* Tuition fees will be paid in 2 equal installments. The actual tuition fee paid will be changed according to the adjusted subsidy amount.


[Non-local Students]
Total Fees (for 2 years): HK$173,200
(Paid in 4 equal semester installments, HK$43,300 each)


  • Dual-track HD programme with participation of an industry partner (Intercontinental Hotels Group) in teaching
  • Work-integrated learning of not less than 400 hours
  • Leads to full-time employment for students who excelled in the internship
  • Broad exposure to knowledge and skills in hotel, hospitality and tourism industries
  • Multiple articulation pathways provided for further study
  • Admission to senior year undergraduate places offered by local UGC-funded universities, self-financed universities and top-up degrees places at overseas universities
  • New articulation arrangement - 'Bachelor of International Hospitality Management' at Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Students gain practical experience in the SMART hotel room
Food & Berevage
Autonomous robot application


  • The hotel sector in HK benefits from the vibrant tourism industry which contributes to 5% of the GDP. There are 283 hotels in HK, providing some 79,200 rooms with an occupancy rate of 91% in 2018

  • Good job prospects, demand for manpower in the tourism pillar industry is projected to increase from 265,400 to 284,000 from 2017 to 2027 (Manpower Projection to 2027, LWB)


Graduates articulating to UGC

  • 旅遊及款待高級文憑畢業
  • 香港理工大學酒店業管理(榮譽)理學士學位 [教資會資助課程]
  • 旅遊及款待高級文憑畢業
  • 香港理工大學旅遊業及會展管理(榮譽)理學士 (UGC-funded)
兩年嘅學習時間非常充實,不但學到有關理論和專業知識,學校更提供在五星級酒店實習機會,令我眼界大開。同時深入了解酒店的運作模式,為我的學習生涯更添色彩。 另外學校老師熱心教學,不但解決學生疑難,亦會給予學生在課堂以外學習的機會,例如到酒店上F&B 課程,學習有關餐飲技巧,有助我升上學士學位,繼續修讀相關課程。

  • 旅遊及款待高級文憑畢業
  • 香港理工大學旅遊業及會展管理(榮譽)理學士 (UGC-funded)
這2年就讀這個課程令我留下深刻的記憶。由於新冠肺炎疫情肆虐,所有的課堂由面對面授課轉為網上授課。網上授課也是一種新穎的學習體驗,但是相比傳統的面授課,網課難以與老師有更多的互動,吸收課堂上的知識亦較花費更多的時間,是一個巨大的挑戰。 雖然網課限制了師生間的互動,但導師也會在課餘時間主動給予不同的意見和指導我需要改進的地方。課堂和實習中令我學到更多的旅遊和款待業專業知識和應變能力。在此,感謝所有教授我的導師的悉心教導,令我可以升上心儀的大學。
Programme Information
Entry Requirement
Programme Structure
International articulation network
Articulation Pathways
Career Prospect
Industry Partners
Professional Advisor
Co-Teaching with Industry Trainer
Work-integrated Learning, Visits and Career Talks
Graduates' Sharing
Other Information