Exploring South Africa and its Fintech Developments

圖書館 Exploring South Africa and its Fintech Developments


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多謝大家嚟到何息夷圖書館參加 Minerva Book Club Joyful Reading Event — 《Exploring South Africa and its Fintech Development 》,希望大家聽完南非駐港總領事Mr. Mojalefa Mogono嘅分享之後都有所得著!

Thank you for coming to the Ho Sik Yee Library and joining the Minerva Book Club Joyful Reading Event — “Exploring South Africa and its Fintech Development ”. We hope each of you will learn more about South Africa and its economic development potentials after the sharing of Consul General of the Republic of South Africa in HKSAR, China, Mr. Mojalefa Mogono!