Research Institute for Digital Culture and Humanities

School of Arts and Social Sciences Research Research Institute for Digital Culture and Humanities

Background of RIDCH

Funded by the RGC’s IDS grant in the period of 1 December 2014 – 31 May 2018, the Research Institute for Digital Culture and Humanities (RIDCH) was set up to address the changes and new possibilities of research in digital culture and digital humanities, and as far as possible to inform teaching in the related areas. Dr. Kaby Kung is the Director of RIDCH to manage and lead ongoing research activities organized by the Institute.
The Institute was established to carry out the following projects:
(a)       Digital Culture, the Humanities and New Possibilities for Teaching and Research;
(b)       Digital Chinese Literature;
(c)       E-Book vs Print? A Study on Behaviour of Information Seeking;
(d)       Surrealism in 4D;
(e)       The Digitization of Chinese Paintings in Hong Kong;
(f)        Digital Chinese Ink in Contemporary Art;
(g)       Digital Natives and New Media Culture in China; and
(h)       Projection Mapping Technologies and Their Uses: Hong Kong and EU Countries.
Six books, eight book chapters, four peer-reviewed journal articles, two refereed proceedings papers, and forty-two conference papers were published by RIDCH members, while six conferences, two symposiums, four field trips, thirty-eight seminars, two roundtables and seven public lectures by distinguished professors were organized during the funded period.
Current Activities:
Public talks and seminars on digital culture and humanities are organized regularly throughout the academic year.