Community Service

教與學發展處 主頁 Community Service

Community Service

Upholding the spirit of service to the community and making education available to all, the University has provided the public free access to the following HKMU educational resources.

The ALTO also welcomes collaboration with external partners and provides the following services to clients:

  • Instructional design – we specialize in the design of learning resources that fit the specific needs of an organisation, and also produce original learning materials from scratch, from print materials to audio a video CDs, online components, and Web pages.
  • Training – we offer training workshops and programmes in face-to-face, distance and online modes, covering areas such as audiovisual and multimedia production, information literacy and online tutoring.
  • Consulting – we are committed to providing high quality and innovative consulting services, such as design, development and provision of online learning platforms.
We have provided services to the following organizations:
  • Vocational Training Council (VTC)
  • Department of Health
  • Education Bureau
  • Our Hong Kong Foundation

Contact information

If you are interested in the services, please contact:

Office for Advancement of Learning and Teaching

Hong Kong Metropolitan University

30 Good Shepherd Street, Ho Man Tin

Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, China

Telephone: (852) 2768 6402

Facsimile: (852) 2396 5009


Knowledge for All TV Programmes

Broadcast every Sunday morning on TVB Pearl, the TV programmes feature a wide spectrum of topics including business, science, general interest and other topics.


over 150 modules from OUHK's distance learning courses are made available for public access. These modules are either in Chinese or English, cover a wide range of subject areas, and include multimedia components and interactive learning activities.

Open Textbook Project

With support from the Education Bureau and a funding of $17.5 million from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the project aims to establish a sustainable system to provide quality open textbooks for adoption and adaptation at minimal cost for use by teachers and students at primary, secondary and tertiary levels.

QESS Project

Funded by the Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) of the Education Bureau (EDB), the University has joined forces with Vocational Training Council (VTC), Caritas Institute of Higher Education (CIHE) and Caritas Bianchi College of Careers (CBCC) for a 3-year, cross-institutional project. The project aims to review, develop and share effective and innovative pedagogical practices and resources across institutions and industries in Hong Kong. The University will participate in the development of a sustainable online learning and teaching platform for students, teachers and mentors for sharing of materials and practices; a series of teaching and learning packages of selected programmes; and delivery of continuous professional development programmes and training to equip teachers and mentors with the latest pedagogical strategies. A series of seminars will also be held for interested members of the public.