Course Enrolment System

Undergraduate & Sub-degree Students Course Enrolment Course Enrolment System

Course Enrolment System

Before the commencement of each term, the University will enroll students in pre-assigned course(s) and arrange students to select self-enrolled courses, according to advice on course selection.

The course enrolment arrangement for 2025 Spring term is available HERE.

Self-enrolment for courses is on first-come-first-served basis. You are, therefore, highly recommended to self-enroll for courses through the course enrolment system during the online course selection period. If you miss the online course selection period, you can try to select any missing courses not yet self-enrolled and swap class sections during the “add/drop period”, which is the first two weeks of a term.

If you intend to retake a course with the course result “Fail”, you should submit an application during the retake application period before the term, or subsequently during the add/drop period. For details, visit the Retake Courses webpage.

If you intend to add extra courses or drop enrolled courses, you should submit an application during the add/drop period. Visit the Add Extra Courses or Drop or Withdraw from Courses webpages to find out more.

Enrolment Stage
Retake application
Before term
Apply to retake courses with a “Fail” grade
Enrolment of pre-assigned courses
University will enroll pre-assigned courses for students
Online course selection
Self-enroll courses assigned for the term, and swap class sections
Online course selection (continued)
Add/Drop period (first two weeks of term)
Self-enroll assigned courses not yet enrolled before term, and swap class sections
Add retake courses
Apply to retake courses with “Fail” grade
Add extra courses
Apply to add courses not assigned for the term
Drop courses
Apply to drop enrolled courses

You may refer to Notes on Enrolment and FAQ on Course Enrolment for more information that can facilitate your course selection.