Student ID Cards

教职员 服务及支援 Student ID Cards

Student Cards

All enrolled students will be issued the University’s Student Identity Card. The Student Identity Card is an important proof of identity for using the University’s facilities and for taking attendance during classes or examinations. The card is only valid when it is used in conjunction with the Hong Kong Identity Card or passport (if a Hong Kong Identity Card is not available).

You will need to submit a recent photo of yourself for the issuance of Student Cards, please submit your recent photo within 10 working days from the date of your registration or from the date of the admission offer letter if you are a new student. Please see detailed procedures below. 

Student Cards for New Students

The Registry will send emails to all new students before the start of the term to inform them to upload their photos online for the issuance of Student Cards. If you are a new student, and if you do not receive any email notification from the Registry after the start of term, please inform the Student Records of the Registry.  You will need to submit a recent photo of yourself for the issuance of Student Cards, please see the procedures below. 

Renew Student Cards for Continuing Students

If you are a continuing/current student and your Student Card has expired, please follow the procedure below to submit a recent photo of yourself for the renewal of your Student Card.

If you have lost your Student Card, you should apply for a replacement card immediately through Form R-ID and pay an administrative fee (HK$100). The fee paid will not be refunded.

Photo Specifications and Submission Methods

Photo Requirements
File Format
Photo should be taken within the last 6 months
Image format: JPEG
Photo should be taken against a plain preferably pink background
Size: 600 KB or below
Photo must show your full frontal face clearly without glasses
Resolution: 300 dpi
Dimensions: 40mm(W) x 50mm (H) or 1200px(W) x 1600px(H)
Submission Channel
Login to MyHKMU > select your programme of study > select “Photo Submission”. Click the “Go to Photo Submission” to start the process
Student Mobile App
Login to the University’s Student Mobile App which is available through App Store and Google Play. Select “Photo Submission” to start the process

Collection of Student Cards

After receiving your photo, the University normally will mail the Student Identity Card to you within 15 working days to your postal address. 


If you have any enquiries on the above, please contact the Student Records of the Registry on 2768-6623 or by email: at