Class of 2019 & 2020, let’s celebrate graduation together! (The event has ended)

公共事务处 Class of 2019 & 2020, let’s celebrate graduation together! (The event has ended)
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The Open University of Hong Kong
The Open University of Hong Kong<!-- The Open University of Hong Kong-->
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    The Open University of Hong Kong

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    <!-- --> Class of 2019 & 2020, let's celebrate graduation together! (The event has ended)

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    Photo-taking on campus

    If you wish to come back to campus for photo-taking, please register online before you come back. All graduates and guests are requested to follow the precautionary measures on campus.


    Graduation decorations on campus

    Starting from mid-November, a range of graduation decorations has been set up on the Main Campus, Jockey Club Campus and the Jockey Club Institute of Healthcare by the Alumni Affairs Office. Besides, photo backdrops will be set up and various props will also be provided in the Multi-purpose Hall on Main Campus which will be open from 10am to 8pm from 29 November to 30 December.


    Campus photo-taking spots


    The University reserves the right to take photos, video or recordings in other forms during the activity for all kinds of legal purpose without seeking further approval from applicants or making payments of any kind to them.


    Stay connected with OUHK

    As our valued members of the OUHK family, we cordially invite you to stay connected with us and keep track of the exclusive benefits for alumni, latest happenings and activities of the University and many more! Make sure to check out our Facebook page and provide us with your updated personal information by clicking here so you won’t miss any news from your alma mater.


    Organizer:  Alumni Affairs Office, Public Affairs Unit

    Enquiry:      2768 6381 /


    Maintained by: Public Affairs Unit ( )
    Modified Date: Jan 14, 2021

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