Two Publications of The IDS Project “Chinese Culture in the Global Context”

人文、语言与翻译学系 Two Publications of The IDS Project “Chinese Culture in the Global Context”

Two Publications of The IDS Project “Chinese Culture in the Global Context”

The IDS Project “Chinese Culture in the Global Context” generated 2 publications in May 2020. The English volume Chinese Culture in the 21st Century and its Global Dimensions: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Dr. Kelly Chan and Dr. Garfield Lau, investigates the internationalization of Chinese culture in recent decades and the global dimensions of Chinese culture. The Chinese volume《承傳與流播:全球脈絡與中國文化論集》, edited by Dr. Hung Chi Kum and Dr. Gary Tsang, ascertains the development and dissemination of Chinese culture in the 21st century.
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「全球背景下的中國文化」研究計劃已於5月出版了兩本學術著作,由陳家愉博士和劉致心博士編輯的Chinese Culture in the 21st Century and its Global Dimensions: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspective,從跨學科的角度探索近年中國文化走向國際的現象。熊志琴博士和曾智聰博士編輯的《承傳與流播:全球脈絡與中國文化論集》則探討在21世紀全球化脈絡之下中國文化的發展。
Modified Date: Jun 30, 2020