$(document).ready(function() { var active1 = false; var active2 = false; var active3 = false; function circleMenu(){ if($("body").hasClass("mask_opened")){ $("body").removeClass("mask_opened"); $("#window_mask").fadeOut(400); }else{ $("body").addClass("mask_opened"); $("#window_mask").fadeIn(400); } if (!active1) $('.menu-item1').css({ 'transform': 'translate(0px,55px)', 'background-color': '#0B2548' }); else $('.menu-item1').css({ 'transform': 'none', 'background-color': 'white' }); if (!active2) $('.menu-item2').css({ 'transform': 'translate(-42.5px,42.5px)', 'background-color': '#0B2548' }); else $('.menu-item2').css({ 'transform': 'none', 'background-color': 'white' }); if (!active3) $('.menu-item3').css({ 'transform': 'translate(-55px,0px)', 'background-color': '#0B2548' }); else $('.menu-item3').css({ 'transform': 'none', 'background-color': 'white' }); active1 = !active1; active2 = !active2; active3 = !active3; } $('.radial-menu').on('mousedown', function() { circleMenu(); }); $("#window_mask").click(function(){ circleMenu(); }); }); function Slider(iPrimary,iPage,iPause) { if($("#Slider").length>0) { $("#Slider").flexslider({ namespace: "flex-", //{NEW} String: Prefix string attached to the class of every element generated by the plugin selector: "ul > li", //{NEW} Selector: Must match a simple pattern. '{container} > {slide}' -- Ignore pattern at your own peril animation: "fade", //String: Select your animation type, "fade" or "slide" easing: "swing", //{NEW} String: Determines the easing method used in jQuery transitions. jQuery easing plugin is supported! direction: "horizontal", //String: Select the sliding direction, "horizontal" or "vertical" reverse: false, //{NEW} Boolean: Reverse the animation direction animationLoop: true, //Boolean: Should the animation loop? If false, directionNav will received "disable" classes at either end smoothHeight: false, //{NEW} Boolean: Allow height of the slider to animate smoothly in horizontal mode startAt: 0, //Integer: The slide that the slider should start on. Array notation (0 = first slide) slideshow: true, //Boolean: Animate slider automatically slideshowSpeed: 10000, //Integer: Set the speed of the slideshow cycling, in milliseconds animationSpeed: 600, //Integer: Set the speed of animations, in milliseconds initDelay: 0, //{NEW} Integer: Set an initialization delay, in milliseconds randomize: false, //Boolean: Randomize slide order fadeFirstSlide: true, //Boolean: Fade in the first slide when animation type is "fade" thumbCaptions: false, //Boolean: Whether or not to put captions on thumbnails when using the "thumbnails" controlNav. // Usability features pauseOnAction: true, //Boolean: Pause the slideshow when interacting with control elements, highly recommended. pauseOnHover: false, //Boolean: Pause the slideshow when hovering over slider, then resume when no longer hovering pauseInvisible: true, //{NEW} Boolean: Pause the slideshow when tab is invisible, resume when visible. Provides better UX, lower CPU usage. useCSS: true, //{NEW} Boolean: Slider will use CSS3 transitions if available touch: true, //{NEW} Boolean: Allow touch swipe navigation of the slider on touch-enabled devices video: false, //{NEW} Boolean: If using video in the slider, will prevent CSS3 3D Transforms to avoid graphical glitches // Primary Controls controlNav: iPage, //Boolean: Create navigation for paging control of each slide? Note: Leave true for manualControls usage directionNav: iPrimary, //Boolean: Create navigation for previous/next navigation? (true/false) prevText: "Previous", //String: Set the text for the "previous" directionNav item nextText: "Next", //String: Set the text for the "next" directionNav item // Secondary Navigation keyboard: true, //Boolean: Allow slider navigating via keyboard left/right keys multipleKeyboard: false, //{NEW} Boolean: Allow keyboard navigation to affect multiple sliders. Default behavior cuts out keyboard navigation with more than one slider present. mousewheel: false, //{UPDATED} Boolean: Requires jquery.mousewheel.js (https://github.com/brandonaaron/jquery-mousewheel) - Allows slider navigating via mousewheel pausePlay: iPause, //Boolean: Create pause/play dynamic element pauseText: "Pause", //String: Set the text for the "pause" pausePlay item playText: "Play", //String: Set the text for the "play" pausePlay item // Special properties controlsContainer: "", //{UPDATED} jQuery Object/Selector: Declare which container the navigation elements should be appended too. Default container is the FlexSlider element. Example use would be $(".flexslider-container"). Property is ignored if given element is not found. manualControls: "", //{UPDATED} jQuery Object/Selector: Declare custom control navigation. Examples would be $(".flex-control-nav li") or "#tabs-nav li img", etc. The number of elements in your controlNav should match the number of slides/tabs. sync: "", //{NEW} Selector: Mirror the actions performed on this slider with another slider. Use with care. asNavFor: "", //{NEW} Selector: Internal property exposed for turning the slider into a thumbnail navigation for another slider // Carousel Options itemWidth: 0, //{NEW} Integer: Box-model width of individual carousel items, including horizontal borders and padding. itemMargin: 0, //{NEW} Integer: Margin between carousel items. minItems: 1, //{NEW} Integer: Minimum number of carousel items that should be visible. Items will resize fluidly when below this. maxItems: 0, //{NEW} Integer: Maxmimum number of carousel items that should be visible. Items will resize fluidly when above this limit. move: 0, //{NEW} Integer: Number of carousel items that should move on animation. If 0, slider will move all visible items. allowOneSlide: true, //{NEW} Boolean: Whether or not to allow a slider comprised of a single slide // Callback API start: function() { }, //Callback: function(slider) - Fires when the slider loads the first slide before: function() { }, //Callback: function(slider) - Fires asynchronously with each slider animation after: function() { }, //Callback: function(slider) - Fires after each slider animation completes end: function() { }, //Callback: function(slider) - Fires when the slider reaches the last slide (asynchronous) added: function() { }, //{NEW} Callback: function(slider) - Fires after a slide is added removed: function() { }, //{NEW} Callback: function(slider) - Fires after a slide is removed init: function() { } //{NEW} Callback: function(slider) - Fires after the slider is initially setup }); } } $(function(){ Slider(true,true,false); }) body#adminStyle1 #headContainerMobile #logo img { padding-top: 8px; margin-left: -10px; width: 230px;}@media only screen and (max-width: 567px) { body#adminStyle1 #headContainerMobile #logo img { padding-top: 12px; margin-left: -10px; width: 200px; }}@media only screen and (max-width: 510px) { body#adminStyle1 #headContainerMobile #logo img { padding-top: 16px; margin-left: -10px; width: 180px; }}@media only screen and (max-width: 479px) { body#adminStyle1 #headContainerMobile #logo img { padding-top: 18px; margin-left: -10px; width: 155px; }}@media only screen and (max-width: 410px) { body#adminStyle1 #headContainerMobile #logo img { padding-top: 20px; margin-left: -10px; width: 135px; }}@media only screen and (max-width: 374px) { body#adminStyle1 #headContainerMobile #logo img { padding-top: 22px; margin-left: -10px; width: 115px; }@media only screen and (max-width: 319px) { body#adminStyle1 #headContainerMobile #logo img { padding-top: 24px; margin-left: -10px; width: 90px; }@media only screen and (max-width: 269px) { body#adminStyle1 #headContainerMobile #logo img { padding-top: 30px; margin-left: 0px; width: 50px; }
"; //alert(sCmapResult + ""); var sMapName = "all"; if (hasMC) { sMapName = "MC"; if (hasJCC) { sMapName = "MC-JCC"; if (hasIH) { sMapName = "all"; } } else if (hasIH) { sMapName = "MC-IH"; } } else if (hasJCC) { sMapName = "JCC"; if (hasIH) { sMapName = "JCC-IH"; } } else if (hasIH) { sMapName = "IH"; } document.querySelector('img[usemap='#image-map-1'').setAttribute('src', '/static_content/image-map-2.0.0/example/cmap-' + sMapName + '.png'); document.querySelector('#cmap-result-IH').style.display = "none"; document.querySelector('#cmap-result-MC').style.display = "none"; document.querySelector('#cmap-result-JCC').style.display = "none"; /* document.querySelector('#cmap-result-MC-1').style.display = "none"; document.querySelector('#cmap-result-MC-2').style.display = "none"; document.querySelector('#cmap-result-JCC-1').style.display = "none"; */ if (nCampResult > 0) { document.querySelector('#cmap-result-search').style.display = "block"; document.querySelector('#cmap-result-search-none').style.display = "none"; } else { document.querySelector('#cmap-result-search').style.display = "none"; document.querySelector('#cmap-result-search-none').style.display = "block"; } //document.querySelector('#cmap-result-' + myOpt).style.display = "block"; } function autocomplete(inp, arr) { /*the autocomplete function takes two arguments, the text field element and an array of possible autocompleted values:*/ var currentFocus; /*execute a function when someone writes in the text field:*/ inp.addEventListener("input", function(e) { var a, b, i, val = this.value; /*close any already open lists of autocompleted values*/ closeAllLists(); if (!val) { return false;} currentFocus = -1; /*create a DIV element that will contain the items (values):*/ a = document.createElement("DIV"); a.setAttribute("id", this.id + "autocomplete-list"); a.setAttribute("class", "autocomplete-items"); /*append the DIV element as a child of the autocomplete container:*/ this.parentNode.appendChild(a); /*for each item in the array...*/ for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { /*check if the item starts with the same letters as the text field value:*/ if (arr[i].substr(0, val.length).toUpperCase() == val.toUpperCase()) { /*create a DIV element for each matching element:*/ b = document.createElement("DIV"); /*make the matching letters bold:*/ b.innerHTML = "" + arr[i].substr(0, val.length) + ""; b.innerHTML += arr[i].substr(val.length); /*insert a input field that will hold the current array item's value:*/ b.innerHTML += ""; /*execute a function when someone clicks on the item value (DIV element):*/ b.addEventListener("click", function(e) { /*insert the value for the autocomplete text field:*/ inp.value = this.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].value; /*close the list of autocompleted values, (or any other open lists of autocompleted values:*/ closeAllLists(); }); a.appendChild(b); } } }); /*execute a function presses a key on the keyboard:*/ inp.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) { var x = document.getElementById(this.id + "autocomplete-list"); if (x) x = x.getElementsByTagName("div"); if (e.keyCode == 40) { /*If the arrow DOWN key is pressed, increase the currentFocus variable:*/ currentFocus++; /*and and make the current item more visible:*/ addActive(x); } else if (e.keyCode == 38) { //up /*If the arrow UP key is pressed, decrease the currentFocus variable:*/ currentFocus--; /*and and make the current item more visible:*/ addActive(x); } else if (e.keyCode == 13) { /*If the ENTER key is pressed, prevent the form from being submitted,*/ e.preventDefault(); if (currentFocus > -1) { /*and simulate a click on the "active" item:*/ if (x) x[currentFocus].click(); } } }); function addActive(x) { /*a function to classify an item as "active":*/ if (!x) return false; /*start by removing the "active" class on all items:*/ removeActive(x); if (currentFocus >= x.length) currentFocus = 0; if (currentFocus < 0) currentFocus = (x.length - 1); /*add class "autocomplete-active":*/ x[currentFocus].classList.add("autocomplete-active"); } function removeActive(x) { /*a function to remove the "active" class from all autocomplete items:*/ for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].classList.remove("autocomplete-active"); } } function closeAllLists(elmnt) { /*close all autocomplete lists in the document, except the one passed as an argument:*/ var x = document.getElementsByClassName("autocomplete-items"); for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { if (elmnt != x[i] && elmnt != inp) { x[i].parentNode.removeChild(x[i]); } } } /*execute a function when someone clicks in the document:*/ document.addEventListener("click", function (e) { closeAllLists(e.target); }); } /*An array containing all the country names in the world:*/ //var countries = ["Afghanistan","Albania","Algeria","Andorra","Angola","Anguilla","Antigua & Barbuda","Argentina","Armenia","Aruba","Australia","Austria","Azerbaijan","Bahamas","Bahrain","Bangladesh","Barbados","Belarus","Belgium","Belize","Benin","Bermuda","Bhutan","Bolivia","Bosnia & Herzegovina","Botswana","Brazil","British Virgin Islands","Brunei","Bulgaria","Burkina Faso","Burundi","Cambodia","Cameroon","Canada","Cape Verde","Cayman Islands","Central Arfrican Republic","Chad","Chile","China","Colombia","Congo","Cook Islands","Costa Rica","Cote D Ivoire","Croatia","Cuba","Curacao","Cyprus","Czech Republic","Denmark","Djibouti","Dominica","Dominican Republic","Ecuador","Egypt","El Salvador","Equatorial Guinea","Eritrea","Estonia","Ethiopia","Falkland Islands","Faroe Islands","Fiji","Finland","France","French Polynesia","French West Indies","Gabon","Gambia","Georgia","Germany","Ghana","Gibraltar","Greece","Greenland","Grenada","Guam","Guatemala","Guernsey","Guinea","Guinea Bissau","Guyana","Haiti","Honduras","Hong Kong","Hungary","Iceland","India","Indonesia","Iran","Iraq","Ireland","Isle of Man","Israel","Italy","Jamaica","Japan","Jersey","Jordan","Kazakhstan","Kenya","Kiribati","Kosovo","Kuwait","Kyrgyzstan","Laos","Latvia","Lebanon","Lesotho","Liberia","Libya","Liechtenstein","Lithuania","Luxembourg","Macau","Macedonia","Madagascar","Malawi","Malaysia","Maldives","Mali","Malta","Marshall Islands","Mauritania","Mauritius","Mexico","Micronesia","Moldova","Monaco","Mongolia","Montenegro","Montserrat","Morocco","Mozambique","Myanmar","Namibia","Nauro","Nepal","Netherlands","Netherlands Antilles","New Caledonia","New Zealand","Nicaragua","Niger","Nigeria","North Korea","Norway","Oman","Pakistan","Palau","Palestine","Panama","Papua New Guinea","Paraguay","Peru","Philippines","Poland","Portugal","Puerto Rico","Qatar","Reunion","Romania","Russia","Rwanda","Saint Pierre & Miquelon","Samoa","San Marino","Sao Tome and Principe","Saudi Arabia","Senegal","Serbia","Seychelles","Sierra Leone","Singapore","Slovakia","Slovenia","Solomon Islands","Somalia","South Africa","South Korea","South Sudan","Spain","Sri Lanka","St Kitts & Nevis","St Lucia","St Vincent","Sudan","Suriname","Swaziland","Sweden","Switzerland","Syria","Taiwan","Tajikistan","Tanzania","Thailand","Timor L'Este","Togo","Tonga","Trinidad & Tobago","Tunisia","Turkey","Turkmenistan","Turks & Caicos","Tuvalu","Uganda","Ukraine","United Arab Emirates","United Kingdom","United States of America","Uruguay","Uzbekistan","Vanuatu","Vatican City","Venezuela","Vietnam","Virgin Islands (US)","Yemen","Zambia","Zimbabwe"]; var countries = []; /*initiate the autocomplete function on the "myInput" element, and pass along the countries array as possible autocomplete values:*/ autocomplete(document.getElementById("myKeywordSearch"), countries); img#imap1 { display: block; max-width: 100%; height: auto; } area { cursor: pointer; display:block; } /* JavaScript */ ImageMap('img[usemap]', 500); function selectRegion (ctx, region) { var selector = 'img[usemap='#' + ctx.parentElement.name + '']'; document.querySelector(selector).setAttribute('src', '/static_content/image-map-2.0.0/example/cmap-' + region + '.png'); document.querySelector('#cmap-result-IH').style.display = "none"; document.querySelector('#cmap-result-MC').style.display = "none"; document.querySelector('#cmap-result-JCC').style.display = "none"; /* document.querySelector('#cmap-result-MC-1').style.display = "none"; document.querySelector('#cmap-result-MC-2').style.display = "none"; document.querySelector('#cmap-result-JCC-1').style.display = "none"; */ document.querySelector('#cmap-result-search').style.display = "none"; document.querySelector('#cmap-result-search-none').style.display = "none"; document.querySelector('#cmap-result-' + region).style.display = "block"; } table{background-color:#f3f3f3;border-collapse:collapse;width:100%;margin:5px 0}th{background-color:#00207d;color:#fff;padding:5px 10px}th small{font-size:9px}td,th{text-align:left}a{text-decoration:none}td a{color:#630;display:block;padding:5px 10px}th a{padding-left:0}td:first-of-type a{background:url(./.images/file.png) no-repeat 10px 50%;padding-left:35px}th:first-of-type{padding-left:10px}td:not(:first-of-type) a{background-image:none!important}tr:nth-of-type(odd){background-color:#e6e6e6}/*tr:hover td{background-color:#cacaca}tr:hover td a{color:#000}*/ td {padding:10px}
1. 教學及研究部門 Academic and Research Units
李兆基商業管理學院 Lee Shau Kee School of Business and AdministrationA 8/F
人文社會科學院 School of Arts and Social SciencesA 7/F
教育及語文學院 School of Education and LanguagesA 4/F
護理及健康學院 School of Nursing and Health StudiesC 9/F
科技學院 School of Science and TechnologyA 9/F
創新科技與持續發展研究所 Institute for Research in Innovative Technology & SustainabilityA 9/F
開放及創新教育研究所 Institute for Research in Open and Innovative Education (IROPINE)B 7/F
國際商業及管治研究所 Institute of International Business and Governance (IIBG)A 8/F
公共及社會政策研究中心 Public and Social Policy Research CentreA 7/F
雙語教學研究所 Research Institute for Bilingual Learning and Teaching (RIBiLT)C 4/F
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