Annual Academia-Industry Exchange

Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Annual Academia-Industry Exchange

The academia-industry exchange is an annual event organized by IIBG to offer academics and practitioners from around the globe to exchange the latest research ideas and findings.


6 December 2024

Impactful Innovation and New Venture Creation: The Role of Government, Industry, and Universities

The HKMU-HUGS Joint Symposium 2024 was held on 6 December 2024, which was jointly organised by HKMU and Heilbronn University Graduate School. The theme of the Symposium was “Impactful Innovation and New Venture Creation: The Role of Government, Industry, and Universities”. The Symposium consisted of 2 keynote sessions and 2 panel discussions, and had brought together experts to explore the role of universities in nurturing responsible entrepreneurs and innovators, as well as the power of collaboration between government, industry, and academia in fueling economic growth.


30 November 2023

Symposium on Charting a Sustainable Future Amidst Digital Disruption & Evolving Value Chains

The IIBG 7th Academia-Industry Exchange was held on 30 November 2023. The theme of this year's symposium was “Charting a Sustainable Future Amidst Digital Disruption & Evolving Value Chains”. The symposium consisted of 2 keynote sessions and 2 panel discussions, and experts from various industries had a chance to discuss how businesses are adapting to the changing nature of work to foster economic vitality and preserve cultural vibrancy and the possibilities for a more sustainable future.


2 December 2022

Symposium on Putting Purpose at the Centre of Business: Challenges, Opportunities and the Road Ahead

The IIBG 2022 Academia-Industry Exchange was held in hybrid mode on 2 December 2022. The theme of the symposium was “Putting Purpose at the Centre of Business: Challenges, Opportunities and the Road Ahead”. The symposium consisted of 2 keynote sessions and 2 panel discussions, and had brought together a diverse set of stakeholders and offered participants a chance to network, and learn about new ideas and technologies that enhance ESG performance of business organisations.


3-4 December 2021

Conference on Business as Usual: How Do We Turn the New Normal into Normal?

Practitioners' Symposium on From Agility to Sustainability: Hunting Talents in the Era of New Normal

The IIBG 2021 Academia-Industry Exchange was held online from 3 to 4 December 2021 via an online platform. An academic conference on the theme “Business as usual: How do we turn the new normal into normal?” was held on the first day, while a practitioners' symposium on the theme “From Agility to Sustainability: Hunting Talents in the Era of New Normal” was held on the second day. The event consisted of 22 competitive presentations, 6 poster presentations, 3 keynote sessions and 2 panel discussions.


4 December 2020

Symposium on International Business, Innovation & Governance: Shaping the Futures of Smart Economy

The IIBG 2020 Academia-Industry Exchange was held on 4 December 2020 via an online platform. The theme of the symposium was “International Business, Innovation & Governance: Shaping the Futures of Smart Economy”. The symposium consisted of 18 competitive presentations, 28 poster presentations, 2 keynote sessions, 1 speech and 1 panel discussion.


7-8 December 2018

Conference on Ethics, Responsible Business & Sustainable Development: Challenges and Opportunities for Transformation and Growth

Can economic development enhance the quality of life of millions of people? That was the question discussed at the third IIBG Annual Academia-Industry Exchange, which was held on 7-8 December 2018. The theme of the conference was “Ethics, Responsible Business & Sustainable Development: Challenges and Opportunities for Transformation and Growth”.  The conference consisted of 21 competitive presentations, 26 poster presentations, 3 keynote sessions, 2 luncheon seminar sessions and 2 panel discussion sessions. The conference brought together over 120 local and overseas participants.


13-15 December 2017

Conference on Competing in an Innovation-Driven Global Economy: Institutions, Infrastructures, and Organization Design

Practitioners' Conference on Strengthening Innovation Capability for Global Competitiveness

IIBG held its first Annual Academia-Industry Exchange on 13-15 December 2017, comprising an academic conference and a practitioners' conference. Each conference drew around a hundred local and overseas participants. The academic conference with the theme of “Competing in an Innovation-Driven Global Economy: Institutions, Infrastructures, and Organization Design” was held on 13-14 December 2017. It consisted of 30 competitive presentations, 21 poster presentations and 4 keynote sessions. The practitioners' conference with the theme of “Strengthening Innovation Capability for Global Competitiveness” was held on 15 December 2017. It included 6 keynote sessions.