“Retail Reimagined” Challenge 2025
Here comes a fabulous opportunity for YOU who are: Creative & full of innovative ideas on reinventing the retail landscape Interested to learn about the fast-changing retail industry & latest…
Here comes a fabulous opportunity for YOU who are: Creative & full of innovative ideas on reinventing the retail landscape Interested to learn about the fast-changing retail industry & latest…
The 7th Greater Bay Area STEM Excellence Award 2025 (HKSAR): Categories 1. Artificial Intelligence 2. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) 3. Life and Health 4. New Materials and New Energy 5. Robotics…
Exclusive opportunity to develop your leadership by partnering with business volunteers to guide a team of young students through a social innovation journeyYou are cordially invited to become a University Student…
The Sustainability Lecture Series is returning in May, as part of the French GourMay Food & Wine Festival! To celebrate, we are happy to count on the presence of Nicolas…
爲慶祝「香港傳承基金」成立六周年,將舉辦「2024香港傳承基金六周年慈善晚宴暨《碳中和及可持續發展》奬項頒授典禮及《大灣區傳承榮譽獎章》頒授典禮」,詳情如下:日期: 2024年12月19日(星期四)時間: 18:00PM - 22:00PM (義工服務在活動當天17:15pm開始)地點: 香港金鐘萬豪酒店宴會廳 (香港金鐘88號太古廣場)本會誠意招募 貴校學生為此次活動的義工,協助主辦機構舉辦這項活動, 工作包括:協助晚宴活動流程、接待出席嘉賓、售賣慈善獎劵、協助拍賣流程等。 各位參加「 香港傳承基金六周年慈善晚宴 」活動義工服務的同學,本會在活動後,將頒授電子感謝狀,以資鼓勵! 報名連結:請按此
The Sustainability Lecture Series is returning in May, as part of the French GourMay Food & Wine Festival! To celebrate, we are happy to count on the presence of Nicolas…
The Sustainability Lecture Series is returning in May, as part of the French GourMay Food & Wine Festival! To celebrate, we are happy to count on the presence of Nicolas…
The Sustainability Lecture Series is returning in May, as part of the French GourMay Food & Wine Festival! To celebrate, we are happy to count on the presence of Nicolas…
📢【#流聲者】- 青年社區參與提案計劃 #青年號相信每道微小的想法都可以帶來改變嗎?無論是帶著對社區的想法;還是想在社區嘗試實踐;或是關注不同議題…誠邀你加入成為「流聲者」,在這裡我們重視你的故事、聲音和想法,一起將想像變成行動,將不可能變成可能。計劃透過培訓及落區探索,將想法轉化成提案計劃,並獲取社區人士支持,通過評審的參加者將能獲得港幣最高$10000資助,於社區試行計劃。📢 即日起接受報名至2024年12月24日!!💡【計劃目標】➤ 支持及支援對社區有想法及熱誠的青年參與地區發展工作;➤ 推動以創新的方式落實具影響力的提案,共同構建理想社區;➤ 鼓勵青年發聲,肯定青年參與社區的角色,開拓青年參與社區的空間及影響💡【計劃特色】➤ 低門檻|只要有想法,無須具體行動方案已可報名➤ 歡迎多元想法|可以從自身、地區、議題或任何角度出發➤ 連結志同道合的伙伴➤ 讓社區成為青年實現想像力的平台💡【參加資格】➤個人身份或團隊參與 (團隊上限為5人,如個人參與希望組隊,將由夢工場同事協助組隊)➤於屯門居住、工作、讀書或對屯門有興趣的15-35歲青年➤參加者的提案需於屯門社區實踐💡【計劃日程】➤計劃簡介會|12月1日,14:30 - 16:30 |報名:https://forms.office.com/r/4JH3F8BCzi➤Speak Dating 交流會|12月15日,11:00 - 13:00|報名:https://forms.office.com/r/p2sSVfrnGK➤培訓工作坊|2025年1月4日及1月11日➤地區街站|2025年1月25日及2月8日➤大型地區諮詢日|2025年2月22日➤提案評審日|2025年3月8日更多詳情參考申請指引💬:https://reurl.cc/4d2GXK⋯⋯🕊️聯絡或查詢🕊️⋯⋯查詢|Hugo / Kaylie 24622270 (電話)、59800714 (Whatsapp)
The Sustainability Lecture Series is returning in May, as part of the French GourMay Food & Wine Festival! To celebrate, we are happy to count on the presence of Nicolas…