Key Staff - Department of Physiotherapy

School of Nursing and Health Sciences People Key Staff - Department of Physiotherapy
Dean, School of Nursing and Health Sciences
RN, APN (Education & Research in Nursing), FHKCHSE, FCHSM, FAAN
Associate Dean (Development and Strategic Relationships)
Professor, School of Nursing and Health Sciences
PhD PolyU, MPhil CUHK, PgD (Biomechanics) U of Strathclyde, Dip (Epidemiology and Applied Statistics) CUHK, Prof.Dip(Physiotherapy) PolyU
Head of Physiotherapy
Associate Professor, School of Nursing and Health Sciences
PhD in Higher Education (Lancaster University), DScPT (University of Maryland Baltimore), MSc (HKU), BScPT (Queen's University), RPT (HK, Canada, USA), Neurologic Clinical Specialist (American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties)
Associate Professor, School of Nursing and Health Sciences
PhD HKU, MSc (Ergonomics) LTU Sweden, BScPT UP
Assistant Professor, School of Nursing and Health Sciences
PhD PolyU, MSc (Sports Medicine and Health Science) CUHK, BSc (Physiotherapy) PolyU, Diploma (Acupuncture) SYSU
Assistant Professor, School of Nursing and Health Sciences
PhD HKU, MPT PolyU, BSc (Kin) University of Waterloo
Senior Lecturer, School of Nursing and Health Sciences
Senior Lecturer, School of Nursing and Health Sciences
MSc (Stroke and Clinical Neurosciences) CUHK, BSc (Hons) (Physiotherapy) PolyU, Diploma (Acupuncture), NDT trained, Registered Physiotherapist (HK)
Senior Lecturer, School of Nursing and Health Sciences

MSc (Cardiology) CUHK, BSc (Hons) (Physiotherapy) PolyU, Registered Physiotherapist (HK)
Senior Lecturer, School of Nursing and Health Sciences

Registered Physiotherapist (HK)
Senior Lecturer, School of Nursing and Health Sciences
MRes University of Birmingham, UK
BSc Physiotherapy Kings College London, UK
Senior Lecturer, School of Nursing and Health Sciences
MHA (UNSW), BSc (University of London), PDip in Physio. (HKPolyU), PDip In OSH (HKBU), Pg. Cert. in Spinal Manip. (HKPolyU), Dip in Acupuncture (Sun Yat-sen University ), Adv. Dip in TCM (HKUSPACE), Adv. Dip in Acupuncture (HKUSPACE), RPT (HK & UK)
Senior Lecturer, School of Nursing and Health Sciences

Registered Physiotherapy (HK)
Senior Lecturer, School of Nursing and Health Sciences
MSc (Mental Health) CUHK, BSc (Hons) (Physiotherapy) PolyU, Diploma (Acupuncture) SYSU, Registered Physiotherapist (HK)
Lecturer, School of Nursing and Health Sciences
Lecturer, School of Nursing and Health Sciences