Interlibrary Loan Service
Interlibrary Loan Service The HKMU Library has launched a variety of information services to enhance research, teaching, and learning activities. Among these is the Interlibrary Loan Service (“ILL Service”). This…
Interlibrary Loan Service The HKMU Library has launched a variety of information services to enhance research, teaching, and learning activities. Among these is the Interlibrary Loan Service (“ILL Service”). This…
香港都會大學圖書館非常重視您對我們服務的寶貴意見。我們誠邀您抽出約5 至 10 分鐘回答這份問卷。您的寶貴意見將有助提升圖書館未來的服務和發展。為答謝您抽空完成問卷調查,每位合資格人士將可選擇參加抽獎,有機會贏取以下豐富獎品:AirPods Max (1份)Apple Watch Series 9 (1份)Marshall 藍牙音箱 (1份)AirPods (1份)誠品禮券 港幣200元 (30份)星巴克禮券 港幣100元 (46份)是次問卷調查截止日期為2024年5月11日。希望各位踴躍發表意見!The HKMU Library greatly appreciates your insights on our services. We would like to…
溫書溫到悶悶哋?個腦實晒?💁不如俾自己一個break,轉吓環境😉嚟Makerspace輕鬆吓喺2024年4月10日至2024年4月30日,嚟正校園何鴻燊圖書館二樓嘅Makerspace✅揀個你鍾意嘅3D圖,用3D打印機製作出屬於你嘅3D公仔或日常生活小工具🙅唔需要畫圖🗒有指示教埋你點做🆓完全免費你想book個session自己靜靜地整又得😎搵同學一齊嚟print亦得👯📣溫馨提示1. 請注意Makerspace的使用守則,並留意印刷品內容及使用限制。2. 如需技術支援,可向學生圖書館助理員或服務台職員查詢。Boring revision? Tense mind? 💁Let’s take a break and have fun at Makerspace!You are invited to come to Makerspace (2/F, Stanley Ho Library, Main Campus) from 10-30 April…
除咗「Comfort zone」🌙外,學生事務處 @hkmusao hkmusao 同圖書館仲會喺4月會舉行 「Comfort Paws」⚡️畀大家放鬆吓心情,我哋仲邀請咗奇妙嘅訪客——治療犬🐶及其引導員🤩!治療犬(Therapy Dog)指受過專業訓練、性情穩定而且親人嘅狗狗🫡。人喺接觸動物嘅時候,往往可以卸下心房,以真實與放鬆嘅狀態同動物相處、並享受當下🫶🫶。運用動物療癒嘅力量,可以幫助人穩定情緒、學習社交、以及建立心靈連結🤝。感覺難受嘅時刻,往往最需要陪伴與支持嘅力量👫,在這裏你能感受最真摯而貼近嘅陪伴🐾。💡活動詳情:日期:2024年4月3,5,10,12*,17,19,24,26日(星期三及五)時間:12:00-14:00*4月12日為11:30-13:30對象:香港都會大學全日制學生地點:何息夷圖書館多元學習空間🔖備注:1. 活動採取walk in 的形式,不需要預約報名參加。2. 如人數太多,需輪候參加。3. 如對活動内容有查詢,可致電2768 6205聯絡輔導員Bobo或Pak。Apart from the “Comfort Zone”🌙, we are excited to bring you “Comfort Paws”⚡️ events to make your Wednesdays…
As the semester gradually comes to an end😔😔, we understand that you may be feeling overwhelmed with the pressure of completing reports, exams, and tests. However, it is essential to…
Sharing session “AI-powered Futures: Unlocking Entrepreneurship and Career Paths”Date: 22 March 2024 (Fri)Time: 2:30 pm – 3:30 pmVenue: Ho Sik Yee Library (5/F, Jockey Club Campus)Guest Speaker: Mr. Turzo Bose,…
Thank you for coming to the Ho Sik Yee Library and joining the Minerva Book Club Joyful Reading Event -- “Exploring South Africa and its Fintech Development ”. We hope…
Apart from e-journals, the Library also has abundant electronic resources in various format, including e-books, newspapers, and magazines too! From now until 8 March, Monday through Friday, our promotion…
Minerva Book Club 《Joyful reading event - Breaking Through: My Life in Science by Katalin Karikó》Date: 30 Jan 2024 (Tue)Time: 2:30pm - 4:00pmVenue: Ho Sik Yee Library, 5/F, Jockey Club…
If you would like to have some advice on searching resources related to your research topic, or have trouble on managing references, try our Research Consultation Service! The consultation can…