Staff SharePoint

Information Technology Office Staff Services Staff SharePoint

About Staff SharePoint

SharePoint is a self-service document management and collaboration platform. You can make use of Team sites and MySite to upload and download documents for internal sharing or storage. SharePoint sites provide content management such as permission control, libraries of documents with check-in, check-out and versioning.

All SharePoint Sites and contents are University property that the University has sole right to administer all sites, keep and transfer departed staff documents to other staff members for operational use.

SharePoint Home Site

The SharePoint Home Site provides the entry point to collection of Departmental Home Sites and Featured Sites :

Go to HKMU Website (Staff) -> Full-time Staff or Temp/PT Staff -> Admin Services ->  SharePoint Service (Direct link:

Staff SharePoint

Departmental Home Site

You can browse list of accessible Team sites, read/edit and upload/download documents according to the assigned permission. You can also create owned team sites and document libraries to share information and work on documents with other university members.

Quick Start Guide{2c39623f-aff0-429c-9f7e-ba20d587660a}&action=view


MySite is a personal site (with a quota of 2GB) for staff to store documents. You are encouraged to use MySite instead of USB flash drive to prevent unexpected damage or loss.

MySite FAQ

Featured Sites

Featured Sites are built for specific functions or subject matters. On need basis, ITO can also provide assistance to Unit/School to create custom site for specific purpose.  Below are some examples of sites

SitesUsage Description
Policies and GuidelinesIt maintains a centralized repository of Office/School Policies and Guidelines for easy access
HKMU Information SecurityIt covers information security  policies, record control tables, best  practices and security awareness training materials
Staff Questionnaire or Event RegistrationIt supports to build questionnaires to get staff response to register event and evaluation
Document Scanning and Management system (DMS)DMS is an advanced document scanning solution. It have been using by REG / HRO / LiAPCE / SAO / ITO
Project and Committee SitesIt facilitates distribution of meeting papers, document collaboration and project management for project team and committee members.