Spouse and Dependent Cardholder Privileges

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Spouse/Dependent Cardholder Privileges

The following benefits will be provided to our Spouse / Dependent Cardholders:

  • A virtual HKMU Spouse / Dependent Card for identification
  • Free entrance access to authorized campus areas
  • Access to campus libraries (excluding borrowing privileges). Dependent cardholders under 12 must be accompanied by a valid HKMU full-time staff / spouse cardholder. (Details)
  • Free usage of HKMU Guest Wi-Fi service on campuses
  • Discount offers for goods and services, such as consultation treatments at HKMU Physiotherapy Centre, catering on campuses, as well as those from outside merchants. (Details)

Privileges may be amended, cancelled or updated from time to time at the sole discretion of the University as deemed necessary.