Discount offers - Spouse / Dependent Cardholder

Human Resources Office Home Staff Activities and Discount Offers Discount Offers Discount offers - Spouse / Dependent Cardholder

For Spouse / Dependent Cardholder

(Spouse and Dependent should present their virtual HKMU Spouse / Dependent Card to enjoy the offers.)

HKMU Catering Outlets

MU Club

(Main Campus)

20% Discount

Snack Bar

(Main Campus)

20% Discount

MU Café

(Main Campus)

20% Discount

Jubilee Club 

(Jockey Club Campus)

10% Discount

Mini Café

(Jockey Club Institute of Healthcare)

20% Discount

Food & Beverage

(Coming soon)


(Coming soon)


30% Discount


(Coming soon)

Recreation and Sports Facilities

(Coming soon)


(Coming soon)

Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact the Talent Cultivation, Engagement & Development Team at