Ms. YUEN Yiu Ping Patsy
Lecturer [xyz-ics snippet="tcStaffEmailList" value="ypyuen"]
Lecturer [xyz-ics snippet="tcStaffEmailList" value="ypyuen"]
Assistant Professor Programme Leader, MA in Creative Writing [xyz-ics snippet="tcStaffEmailList" value="mwyu"]
Lecturer [xyz-ics snippet="tcStaffEmailList" value="rwkyip"]
Senior Lecturer Co-Programme Leader, BA (Hons) in Creative Advertising & Media Design [xyz-ics snippet="tcStaffEmailList" value="wihwong"]
Senior Lecturer Programme Leader, BFA (Hons) in Animation & Visual Effects [xyz-ics snippet="tcStaffEmailList" value="shkwong"]
索尼世界攝影獎為全球規模最大的攝影比賽之一,每年的參賽作品均數以萬計。香港公開大學 電影設計及攝影數碼藝術(榮譽)藝術學士 三年級何穎嘉同學,透過捕捉彩虹邨七彩的外牆及球場,展現香港彩虹邨特色,帶俾人童年無憂無慮、快樂感覺的作品《彩虹童年》(Childhood),在入圍的十幅來自香港的相片中脫穎而出,得到香港區冠軍。作品亦於今年在倫敦 Somerset House (薩默塞特府) 舉行的索尼世界攝影獎展覽中展出,並收錄於隨展覽發行的特刊內。
OUHK Graduation Show Displays Creative Works of Students About 100 pieces of creative works by over 200 students of the Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) will be showcased at…
9 月27 日至10 月15 日「全球水墨畫大展」參加全球矚目的第三屆絲綢之路(敦煌)國際文化博覽會(敦煌文博會),以「動.水墨」為主題,展出20幅由香港公開大學學生製作嘅水墨動畫。
OU animation students’ work has been nominated for the “Best Animated Short Film” of the Golden Horse Awards for the second time! The short animation titled “Kin’s Hair” is produced…
OUHK collaborates with K11 to showcase the innovative works of creative arts students