BODW 2020 – VISION 20/21 is about finding clarity in uncertainty

Department of Creative Arts BODW 2020 – VISION 20/21 is about finding clarity in uncertainty

BODW 2020 – VISION 20/21 is about finding clarity in uncertainty






VISION 20/21 is about finding clarity in uncertainty

It calls for a creative vision that makes a difference in times of change and ambiguity.

BODW2020 (themed on VISION 20/21) is a major flagship event in Asia for design, brands and innovation, and brings together visionaries, innovators and creative leaders across sectors and industries from around the world to help redesign a better future. Join us for a series of virtual and hybrid high-level forums, discussions and other creative happenings across Hong Kong for timely insights into trends, leadership and future of design.

Enjoy 50% off by using promo code: SU5N1Y3 
Date: 30 Nov – 5 Dec
Register Now



設計營商周 BODW 2020為亞洲設計、創新及品牌業界最重量級旗艦盛事,今年在「願景20/21:洞悉幻變」的主題下,匯聚全球各行業各領域中,高瞻遠矚的精英分子、創新達人與創意領袖,集思廣益,分享視野,冀望再創更美好未來。現誠邀您參與一系列精彩的高端論壇、研討交流及創意節目,領略時代趨勢、聆聽領袖思維,洞悉設計未來。

憑推廣碼  SU5N1Y3   於網上購票可獲五折優惠,親身參與城中設計盛事!

