Dr. Benson Tong Tsz-Ben received his BA, MPhil, and PhD in Chinese Language and Literature from the Hong Kong Baptist University. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Humanities, Language and Translation, School of Arts and Social Sciences, Hong Kong Metropolitan University. He also serves as the Programme Leader for Chinese and English – BA (Hons), BA and Associate Degree. Prior to joining HKMU (OUHK), he worked as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at HKBU. His research interests lie in the fields of Classical Chinese Literature, Literary Criticism and Stylistics. He has published papers in many academic journals including Chinese Studies, Soochow Journal of Chinese Studies, Sino-Hamanitas and Journal of Chinese Verse Studies.
Teaching Areas & Research Interests
- Classical Chinese Poetry
- Literary Criticism
- Stylistics
- Wang Anshi Studies
Academic & Professional Experience
Awards ‧The Young Scholar Award (青年學者獎) at the 14th International Conference on Sinological Research of East Asia in November 2023. ‧The Theory Award of Excellence of the 2nd He Jianming Prize for Chinese Creative Writing (第二屆「何建明中國創意寫作獎」理論獎(優秀獎)) in November 2023. Creative Writing ‧唐梓彬:〈約定——原來從出生開始已經是錯〉,《乾坤詩刊(季刊)》,2023年第107期現代詩卷,頁84。 ‧唐梓彬:〈我存在在你的存在〉,《乾坤詩刊(季刊)》,2021年第100期現代詩卷,頁50。 ‧唐梓彬:〈你的名字〉,《葡萄園詩刊》,2020年第226期夏季號,頁143。 ‧唐梓彬:〈葉脈秋黃〉,《野薑花詩集(季刊)》(臺灣:野薑花詩學出版社,2019年),第28期,頁45。 ‧唐梓彬:〈明信片〉,《一點詩刊》,2018年10月,頁 7。 Selective Articles ‧ 梁慕靈、黃自鴻、邵棟、余文翰、唐梓彬:〈香港都會大學創意藝術學系第一屆華文創意寫作與跨媒體實踐國際研討會綜述〉,《中國創意寫作研究(第九輯)》(2022年12月),頁267-275。 ‧唐梓彬:〈意念傳承:略談劉以鬯〈打錯了〉的漫畫改編〉,《田家炳中華文化中心通訊》,2023年3月第1期(總11期),頁18-19。 ‧唐梓彬:〈人有性情文有「氣」 「文氣不足」欠風格〉,《文匯報》,【都會與我】專欄,2022年6月17日,頁A25。 ‧唐梓彬:〈身處江南哀郢都 屈原抒情超時空〉,《文匯報》,【都會與我】專欄,2022年5月17日,頁A21。 ‧唐梓彬:〈從文本體現藝術結構析《無題》詩〉,《文匯報》,【都會與我】專欄,2022年5月4日,頁A21。 ‧唐梓彬:〈通俗說理新元素 空靈高遠寒山道〉,《文匯報》,【都會與我】專欄,2021年10月28日,頁A21。 ‧唐梓彬:〈淺談李商隱詩的讀法——以《板橋曉別》為例〉,《田家炳中華文化中心通訊》,2018年3月,頁26-27。
Selected Publications
Book Chapters
- “Resources for Creativity from Chinese Classical Culture: A Discussion on the Creative Thinking and Creation Pattern of “Old Tales Retold” and Revelations on the Development of Creative Writing.” In Leung, Rebecca, Mo-ling ed. Chinese Creative Writing Studies. Singapore: Springer, pp. 119-128.
- 〈從中國古典文化而來的創作資源—論「故事新編」的創意思維、創作規律及其在創意寫作學發展上的啟示〉,梁慕靈主編:《華文創意寫作與跨媒體實踐》(臺北:新銳文創出版社,2022年8月),頁198-204。
- 〈略論中國古典小說在韓國文學史上扮演的角色〉,熊志琴、曾智聰主編:《承傳與流播:全球脈絡與中國文化論集》(臺北:秀威資訊,2020年5月),頁115-128。
- 〈論王實甫《西廂記》的藝術結構及「牆」的文化意義——兼論《西廂記》的主題〉,《明報月刊》、香港公開大學主編:《文學批評與人生--第四屆兩岸四地華文文學講座論文集》(香港:明報月刊出版社,2019年11月),頁114-123。
- “The Theory of Literary Criticism of Wenxindiaolong and Its Eclectic Theory (論劉勰《文心雕龍》「唯務折衷」的思維方法). Proceedings of the 3rd International Academic Conference on The Development of Chinese Culture and Humanities, pp. 1183-1194.
- Study of the paired concepts of “pattern” (wen) and “writing brush” (bi) (「文筆說」之「筆」義辨). Gu dian wen xue de nei bu yan jiu (古典文學的内部研究) eds. Liu Ning, Li Pengfei,. Beijing Publishing House, 2016, pp. 381-399.
- David R. Knechtges(康達維著), Tong Tsz Ben Benson translated (唐梓彬譯). A Brief Study of Liu Xin's “Sui chu fu” (劉歆《遂初賦》論略). Essays on Chinese Poetic Traditions and Textual Scholarship (中國詩歌傳統及文本研究) eds. ChenZhi, Beijing Zhonghua Book Company, 2013, pp. 177-225.
Journal Articles
- Discussion on Wang Anshi's Quatrain and Its Stylistic Significance in the Development of Song Poetry (論王安石絕句的文體學意義), University of Taipei Journal of Language and Literature (北市大語文學報), Vol. 24 (2021), pp. 17-38.
- The Aesthetic Features of “the prosaic writing of Ren” (Ren bi) (論「任筆」的藝術特色——兼論其與「今之筆」的差異). Sinological Research of East Asia (東亞漢學研究), Vol. 11 (Sep 2021), pp. 199-209.
- The Fusion and Division: A Research on WANG Anshi's Yuefu Poetry, Gexing Poetry and Seven-Character Ancient Verse (論王安石的樂府、歌行與七言古詩——兼論三者在北宋的融合與分野), Journal of Chinese Verse Studies (中國韻文學刊), 1(Jan 2021), pp. 31-38.
- The Teaching Method and Teaching Process of Creative Writing in University: A Case Study at the Open University of Hong Kong (大學創意寫作的授課方式及教學過程——以香港公開大學創意寫作課程為例), Writing (武漢大學《寫作》), 1(Feb 2021), pp. 41-48.
- Discussion on Wang Anshi's Five-Character and Seven-Character Regulated Verse and Its Significance in the Development of Song Poetry (論王安石五言律詩與七言律詩於宋詩發展史上的定位). Chinese Studies (漢學研究), 38.1 (2020), pp. 83-115.
- New Explanation of Han Yu's Preface of Lianju of the Stone Vessel (韓愈〈石鼎聯句詩並序〉的寓意). The World of Chinese Language and Literature (國文天地), Vol.408, 2019, pp. 111-115.
- The Poetic Construction and Interpretation of “Tang Poetry” in Wang Anshi's Anthology of Works by One Hundred Tang Poets (論王安石《唐百家詩選》對「唐詩」的建構與詩學詮釋). Sino-Humanitas (人文中國學報), Vol.26, 2018, pp. 63-95.
- On“the prosaic writing of Ren”(Ren bi) and Ren Fang's Place in Chinese Literary History: Analysis of Innovative Writing Style of his literary works (論「任筆」的文學史地位──以任昉在文體革新方面的成就為中心). Soochow Journal of Chinese Studies (東吳中文學報), Vol.34, 2017, pp.1-28.
- Paul R. Goldin (金鵬程著), Tong Tsz Ben Benson translated (唐梓彬譯). What Is qi, and Why Was It a Good Idea? (氣的含義及其積極意義). Sino-Humanitas (人文中國學報), Vol.24, 2017, pp. 305-339.
- Tong Tsz Ben Benson (唐梓彬), Wong Tsz Yung (黄梓勇). International Conference on the Confucian Classics between China, Japan, and Korea (「中日韓經學國際學術研討會」會議報導). Newsletter of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy (中國文哲研究通訊), (Vol.20, Issue 3), 2010, pp.161-171.
- On ZhongRong' s assessment of RenFang' s poems in ShiPin (論鍾嶸《詩品》對任昉詩歌的評價). Journal of Xuchang University (許昌學院學報), Vol.1, 2010, pp. 25-32.
Selected Professional & Community Services
- Adjudicator, Basic Law Multi-Dimensional Inter-University Debate Competition, The Joint Committee for the Promotion of the Basic Law of Hong Kong (香港基本法推介聯席會議)
- Examiners Committee of the Department of General Education and Language Studies of Caritas Bianchi College of Careers for a term of two years from 1 November 2022 to 31 October 2024
- Adjudicator, United College Cantonese Debate Team友誼辯論賽, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Adjudicator, United College聯合盃粵語辯論賽, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Adjudicator, 辯論友誼賽, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology & City University of Hong Kong
- Guest Speaker, “文辭辨識.問題意識.情感教育──淺談古典語言文學在大學中文教學上的應用”for the Seminar "The 13th Inter-institutional Sharing Session on Chinese Teaching in Hong Kong Tertiary Education (第十三屆大專中文教學交流會)" , 07 May 2020, which was organized by the Hong Kong Baptist University Language Centre.
- Guest Speaker, “文體批評視野下的唐詩欣賞" organized by Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute, Hong Kong Baptist University on 7 March 2023.
- Guest Speaker, “Fish and Bear's Paw- Comparisons between Chinese and French Food Cultures through the depiction of literati writings” (「魚與熊掌──漫談中法文人的飲食書寫及其文化內涵」),“A Discovery Voyage of Lifestyle Portrayals in Chinese and French art and literature” (「中法文化發現之旅:文學藝術與生活」), 7 May 2019.
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Modified Date: 19 Jan, 2024
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