The Fusion of 'Tradition' and 'Fashion'
Ina Ho Cantonese Opera Research Centre, School of Arts and Social Sciences, HKMU, in collaboration with the Hong Kong & Macau Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Center, will co-host a public…
Ina Ho Cantonese Opera Research Centre, School of Arts and Social Sciences, HKMU, in collaboration with the Hong Kong & Macau Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Center, will co-host a public…
Dr. Jonathan Ngai has published Evaluation Across Newspaper Genres: Hard News Stories, Editorials and Feature Articles with Routledge. The book explores how evaluation or stance contributes to the construction of…
香港都會大學(都大)人文社會科學院轄下的公共及社會政策研究中心早前進行研究,透過由大學編製的「都會居屋價格指數」(前稱:居屋公開價格指數),探討本港居屋第二市場與私人市場樓宇在疫情影響下的價格走勢差異。研究結果反映,本地居屋第二市場價格在疫情下受到一定程度的影響,並跟私樓價格呈現明顯的差異。 研究團隊由都大人文社會科學院院長鄺志良教授帶領,包括學院助理教授馬耀宗博士、助理教授張子亮博士,以及榮譽助理教授盧其釗博士,並於2022年7月11日發布研究結果,詳情請按以下連結︰ 有關「都會居屋價格指數」,請瀏覽以下網址:
Student:Ng Wing-yee Natalie Programme:Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Creative Advertising and Media Design Competition:Toastmasters International District 89 Division H Area H4 Speech Contest Award:Table Topics Contest – 1st runner-upEvaluation…
主題:「有一種電影叫文學 有一種導演叫許鞍華」專題講座 講者:許鞍華博士 日期:2022年1月20日(星期四) 時間:下午3時至5時 地點:香港都會大學賽馬會校園 呂辛(振萬)演講廳(D0309室) 地址:九龍何文田忠孝街81號 查詢:馮小姐(電話:3120-2535) 語言:廣東話 歡迎學生、教職員、校友及公眾人士參與。 請點擊以下連結免費登記入場: 【網上報名連結】
A seminar entitled “Introduction to Theatre” was delivered by Professor Octavian Saiu, Academic Consultant of the School of Arts and Social Sciences, on 29 December 2021 to the School’s faculty…
The Public and Social Policy Research Centre held a webinar entitled “Healthy Aging and the Environment” on 26 August 2021. Dr Shenjun Yao, Associate Professor at the School of Geographic…