Happy Share

Alumni Communication & Support Alumni Linkage Past Issues November 2018 Issue Happy Share

You are welcome to share your good news and achievements in the Alumni Linkage with fellow alumni. Please click here to give us the details.


Crowned the best of ten creative and caring parents



Ma Hok-chun
Master of Education 2015


Stay-at-home dad Mr Ma (Left) utilized his past experiences as a social worker to design games and activities for his 2-year-old daughter. Apart from setting up a small farm and climbing wall at home, he also practices mindfulness exercises with his daughter. His unique parenting style won him an accolade by the S.K.H. St. Christopher's Home -- he was selected as one of the ten winners of the 'Caring and Creative Parent Election'.




Sponsored for filming conservation documentary in Malaysia

Bobby Lin Wei-ting
BA in Creative Writing and Film Arts 2015


After graduating from the OUHK, Mr Lin furthers his study for a Master of Fine Arts degree in Cinema Production at Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. He and two of his schoolmates received sponsorship by the Hong Kong Ocean Park Conservation Foundation to make a documentary on the conservation of Malay pangolins by the locals in Sabah, Malaysia. The team aimed to underline the message of the importance of city dwellers having a role to play in wild animal conservation.




Elected as youth leader of the Greater Bay Area

Kenneth Lau Chun-yin
BBA in Banking and Finance 2017


Mr Lau (Second from left) was elected as one of the nine youth leaders of '2018 Greater Bay Area Youth Leader Election' organized by the Junior Chamber International Harbour.




Performing in Hong Kong International Black Box Festival

Kitty Leung Kam-lan

BA in Chinese Humanities 2008

Ms Leung participated in the play 'One Fine Day' by New Youth Group as one of the amateur performers and shared her own story with the audience. 'One Fine Day' is one of the four productions featured in the Hong Kong International Black Box Festival jointly presented by the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre and West Kowloon. By including non-professional performers, the Festival showcases bold and unconventional forms of theatre and engages the audience in an interactive way.




Awarded for promoting site safety

Jacky Chan Wai-wing
MSc in Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental Management 2010
MEng in Engineering Management 2014


In the 'Contractor Safety Award - Site Safety Practitioner Award 2018' organized by the Lighthouse Club Hong Kong, Mr Chan(Middle) received a Commended Award for his efforts in promoting site safety.