English and Communications for Business II

Home Admissions Course Guide English and Communications for Business II

This Course Guide has been taken from the most recent presentation of the course. It would be useful for reference purposes but please note that there may be updates for the following presentation.

BUS B104

English and Communications for Business II

Welcome to BUS B104 English and Communications for Business II.

This course is a five-credit, half-year, foundation-level course within the Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours programmes. The course equips you to improve your ability to communicate effectively in a modern business environment.

Before you begin working on the content of this course, you need to understand how the course is organized and operated. Read this Course Guide thoroughly, and you will find the answers to these questions. This Course Guide contains useful information to help you tackle your studies. It tells you briefly what the course is about, and how you can work your way through the materials. It suggests the amount of time you are likely to spend in order to complete the course, and gives you a general idea of when your assignments are due.

For detailed information on your assignments, however, please refer to the Assignment File, and for information on due dates for work to be submitted, please refer to the Presentation Schedule.

This course will be delivered in custom textbook format, supplemented by a Study Guide, online multimedia components such as supplementary lectures (pre-recorded videos), and learning sessions.


Course aims

The overall aims of BUS B104 English and Communications for Business II are to:

  • acquaint you with effective communication skills by applying relevant theories to business-related communication including writing business proposals and reports, and delivering effective business presentations; and
  • help you to communicate effectively in groups and in the employment process by using examples from everyday working situations.

Course learning outcomes

The overall aims of BUS B104 English and Communications for Business II are to:

  • acquaint you with effective communication skills by applying relevant theories to business-related communication including writing business proposals and reports, and delivering effective business presentations; and
  • help you to communicate effectively in groups and in the employment process by using examples from everyday working situations.

Course description

This course introduces you to the basic communication knowledge you will need for writing business correspondence and documents, and helps you improve your skills and tactics for communicating effectively in modern business environments. The course is designed to acquaint you with theories of effective communication, and to apply those theories to business-related communication. Examples used in the course are taken from the real world of business.

There are five units in this course. The first unit gives you a general introduction to the communication challenges in today's business world. Unit 2 acquaints you with the characteristics and importance of effective team communication and business etiquette. Unit 3 introduces you to report and proposal writing. Units 4 and 5 focus on oral presentations and employment communication respectively.


Course approach

In this custom textbook-based approach to the course, learning units have been selected from an up-to-date business communication textbook and compiled into a custom textbook.

Your study pathway through the custom textbook is set out in an HKMU-produced Study Guide. In addition to the guided activities already provided in the custom textbook, you will have access to additional multimedia materials on HKMU's Online Learning Environment (OLE) and regular learning sessions.

By incorporating the latest editions of book chapters, the custom textbook will provide you with a rich coverage of the latest developments in the field of business communication in contemporary contexts.


Course overview

The following table gives a general overview of the course structure. It suggests the amount of time you should allow for completing units and provides a broad schedule for you to plan your work. This estimation includes time for reading the units and custom textbook, completing activities and assignments, and attending live online tutorials.


UnitTitleNo. of weeksAssignment
1Communication challenges in today's business world3Assignment 1
2Team communication and business etiquette3 
3Reports and proposals3 
4Oral presentations3Assignment 2
5Employment communication3 

In addition to this Course Guide, please ensure that you have the following important course components from HKMU.


Introductory video

To start off, you should watch the introductory video for the course in the ePub version of this Course Guide or on the OLE. Then turn to the Study Guide for further guidance through the course.


Study units

The Study Guide serves two functions. First, it provides you with information on the aims, learning outcomes, assessment strategies and means of support for this course. Second, it sets out your study pathway through the custom textbook and other course learning resources.
You will therefore need to keep this document by your side as you work through the course. The Study Guide is divided into five units:

  1. Communication challenges in today's business world
  2. Team communication and business etiquette
  3. Reports and proposals
  4. Oral presentations
  5. Employment communication

Each of the units summarizes key issues, explains the relevant concepts and examples, and indicates related sections of the custom textbook. Each unit also contains learning activities and self-assessment exercises to reinforce your assimilation of the issues under discussion.


The custom textbook

A custom textbook will be provided to you as an integral part of your course package. The title of the custom textbook is BUS B104 English and Communications for Business II. The chapters are selected from the following textbook:

Bovée, C L and Thill, J V (2021) Business Communication Today, Global Edition, 15th edn, Harlow: Pearson Education.

The Study Guide will indicate at which point you should read each chapter of the custom textbook.


The Online Learning Environment (OLE)

This course is supported by HKMU's Online Learning Environment (OLE). You will find course materials and the latest course information on the OLE.

To enhance your competence of using English words for effective communication in the workplace, a word bank, which is provided on the OLE, has been built into this course. Whenever you learn a new word, phrase or expression, enter it, its meaning, word class, usage and examples into the word bank. At the end of the course, you may download the word bank as an Excel file and continue to build up your vocabulary with it. For better results, you can master the pronunciation of the words using the Read-it-out tool on the OLE.

Through the OLE, you can also communicate with your tutors, the Course Coordinator and other students. For details about the OLE and how to access it, please refer to the Online Learning Environment User Guide.


Assignment File

The Assignment File gives you details about what is required in your assignments, how many marks each is worth, when you need to submit them (due dates), and approximately how much you should write in the assignments. The file also explains the HKMU marking rubrics, which may be quite different from what you are used to.


Presentation Schedule

The Presentation Schedule is available on the OLE. In this schedule, you will see the dates when your tutor should receive your assignments. Please note that you must submit your assignments in time to reach your tutor by the dates shown in the Assignment File.

Your tutor

You will be assigned a tutor for this course. Before the course commences, you will be advised by the HKMU Registry of the name, address and phone number of your tutor. You tutor will:

  • conduct the live online tutorials for your group;
  • assess your assignment; and
  • be available at certain times, for consultation with you by telephone. (You will be advised of these times separately.)

Your tutor is your first point of contact with HKMU. If you need any information or have any academic or admin questions, please speak to him or her before you contact your Course Coordinator.

Your tutor is a facilitator who can provide you with considerable assistance when you run into difficulties, and is also a leader who can arrange opportunities for you to put into practice some of the course theories and concepts.


Learning support

To assist you in this course, your assigned tutor will conduct regular live online tutorials. Five live online tutorials of two or three hours' duration will be spread throughout the course.

UnitLive online TutorialsNo. of hours
1Live online Tutorial 13
2Live online Tutorial 22
3Live online Tutorial 32
4Live online Tutorial 42
5Live online Tutorial 53
Total 12


Relevant details will be sent to you before the term commences.

In addition, five supplementary video lectures will be recorded by the Course Coordinator and posted on the OLE.

We strongly recommend that you attend the live online tutorials and watch the supplementary video lectures. The live online tutorials give you a chance to make contact with your classmates and exchange ideas and experiences. The supplementary video lectures and tutorials for this course will be conducted in English. All the tutors have excellent English. This will provide you with a good opportunity to communicate in English and benefit you as a student and as a business professional.

Please note that the function of these pre-recorded supplementary video lectures and live online tutorials is to complement your course materials. In this course, your primary means of learning is through your course materials.


Preparation for live online tutorials and supplementary video lectures

The live online tutorials and the supplementary video lectures will be on set topics based on the Presentation Schedule. To benefit fully, you are required to complete the readings and various practice exercises for the set unit or units before you attend the live online tutorials or watch the supplementary video lectures.

The assessment for this course comprises continuous assessment and a final examination. Specifically, there are two assignments required of you, the details of which are as follows.


Assignment 1

This is an individual assignment, which deals with report and proposal writing, and you are required to submit the assignment to your tutor for marking.


Assignment 2

This assignment takes the form of an oral presentation. The oral presentation lasts for 5 to 10 minutes, and there will be a question-and-answer time at the end of the presentation.



An individual two-hour examination will be conducted at the end of the course. The examination will cover all units of the course.

The above continuous assessment elements and the examination account for 100% of the total course score. To succeed in the course, you must pass both the continuous assessment and the examination. In other words, you have to score a minimum of 40% in your continuous assessment and the examination. Your overall assessment for this course comprises the following components.


Assessment typePercentage
Assignment 120%
Assignment 220%


How to submit an assignment

You must use word processing software (such as Microsoft Word) to prepare your written assignments, and submit them via the Online Learning Environment (OLE). An assignment must be uploaded to the OLE by the due date.

Failure to upload an assignment in the required format to the OLE may result in the score of the assignment being adjusted to zero.

The assignment policy of the University, as stated in the Student Handbook, should be observed. There is no extension for Assignment 2.

After you submit an assignment via the OLE, it is your responsibility to check that the assignment has been successfully submitted. The University cannot accept any responsibility for assignments that are not received by your tutor due to any problem with submission via the OLE. As a precaution, you are advised to keep a copy of each assignment you submit.


Assignment submission extension policy

The assignment policy of the University as stated in the Student Handbook should be observed. You are required to submit assignments for this course in accordance with the dates communicated by your Course Coordinator. You may apply for a submission extension on the grounds of illness, accident, disability, bereavement or other compassionate circumstances.

Applications for extensions must be submitted online via the OLE. Please note the following:

  • Supporting documents must be submitted to justify applications for extensions of over seven
  • Applications for extensions should normally be lodged before or on the due date.
  • Applications are considered by:
    • your tutor for extensions of up to seven days;
    • the Course Coordinator for extensions of 8 to 21 days; and
    • the Dean for extensions of over 21 days.

After an assignment is submitted via the OLE, it is your responsibility to check that the assignment has been successfully submitted. Extension applications due to any problem with uploading will not be accepted. The University cannot accept any responsibility for assignments that are not received by your tutor due to any problem with submission via the OLE. As a precaution, you are advised to keep a copy of each assignment you submit.

According to the University's policy, no extension of the due date will be allowed for the final assignment. This policy will be strictly enforced. Any late submission of the final assignment will result in the score of the assignment being adjusted to zero.

The following is a recommended strategy for working through the course.

  1. Read this Course Guide thoroughly.
  2. Follow the Presentation Schedule closely. Note the minimum time you are expected to spend on each unit and how the assignments relate to the units. The major reason for student failure is getting behind with course work.
  3. Read the Study Guide units carefully as they guide your learning and tell you when to read certain sections of the textbook. An outline of the topics to be covered is provided at the beginning of each unit. You must read both the Study Guide and the textbook. They are not alternatives.
  4. The content of the unit itself has been arranged to provide an order for you to follow. As you work through the unit you will be instructed on what to do next (e.g. complete interactive activities). Use the unit to guide your reading and your work on the interactive activities.
  5. Attempt the unit activities and the self-assessment exercises provided in the units. These are designed to help you remember and apply what you have learned, and to prepare for your assignments and oral presentation. The self-assessment questions provide you with immediate feedback on your understanding of the subject matter just learned. By answering these questions and referring to the suggested answers on the course OLE or in the ePub version of the Study Guide, you can check your progress accordingly. However, you should attempt all questions before referring to the answers.
  6. Watch all the pre-recorded supplementary video lectures and attend all the live online tutorials if possible. The live online tutorials are the best place to polish your communication skills, and discuss any problems or difficulties you may have. Your tutor will be glad to see you at the tutorials. If you cannot attend the tutorials on a regular basis, please keep in regular contact with your tutor by phone or email.
  7. Complete the assignments provided in the course no later than the due dates. They have been designed to help you meet the objectives of the course and therefore will help you pass the oral presentation.
  8. When an assignment is returned, pay particular attention to your tutor 's comments both on the Assignment Form and also written throughout your assignment. Call or email your tutor if you have any questions.
  9. Review the course and your graded assignments, and prepare yourself for the oral presentation.

BUS B104 English and Communications for Business II is a course on effective communication in the workplace. It covers communication challenges in today's business world, team communication and business etiquette, reports and proposals, oral presentations and employment communication.

In order to understand the content of this course and gain the most from it, you must analyse the course materials and apply the theories and concepts learned. You also need to make an effort to improve your own communication skills. We hope that you are able to apply the knowledge and skills from this course throughout your career.

The course is assessed through two assignments and an examination..

We hope you'll find BUS B104 stimulating and effective for your professional development. Good luck with your studies!

If you wish to defer your studies of this course until a later date, you should apply for deferment of studies. For the regulations governing deferment of studies, please refer to your Student Handbook. If you have applied for deferment of studies you should continue with your studies of this course and submit the required assignments until formal approval is given by the University. 

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