Internship and Exchange Opportunities

Home About HKMU Facts & Figures Internship and Exchange Opportunities

HKMU attaches great importance to students’ whole person development. Apart from equipping students with knowledge and skills, a wide array of internship and exchange opportunities as well as study tours are arranged every year to enrich their learning experience and prepare them for successful future career.

No. of internship and practicum places in 2021/2022 (Credit-bearing included):

HKMU attaches great importance to students’ whole person development. Apart from equipping students with knowledge and skills, a wide array of internship and exchange opportunities as well as study tours are arranged every year to enrich their learning experience and prepare them for successful future career.

Figures on student footprint:

Internship opportunities for students each year: 2,000 +

Figures on student footprint

HKMU attaches great importance to students’ whole person development. Apart from equipping students with knowledge and skills, a wide array of internship and exchange opportunities as well as study tours are arranged every year to enrich their learning experience and prepare them for successful future career.


Figures as of August 2023