13 February 2023 (Mon) | 10:00-12:00 | Dr MO Wing Yin Ian | Facilities for Aquaculture Research in Metropolitan Aqua (FARM Aqua): for research and development of aquaculture in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) |
| | Dr CHEN Yanghang (Croucher Scholar) | Plankton diversity and its relationship with oceanographic environmental factors in seamount region of the Western Pacific |
| | Dr NJOKU Demian Ifeanyi | Advances in Smart Coatings Technology |
23 March 2023 (Thu) | 11:00-13:00 | Ms LAM Winnie (PhD student) | Toxicological effects of Karenia mikimotoi on fish |
| | Ms DAI Wanqing (PhD student) | Study on antifouling strategies applied to microchannel interfaces |
| | Mr FUNG Siu Hang (MPhil student) | Fast Authentication of Concentrated Chinese Medicine Granules (CCMG) by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Attenuated Total Reflection (FTIR-ATR) with chemometrics |
15 May 2023 (Mon) | 10:00-12:00 | Dr ASTUDILLO PLACENCIA Juan Carlos | Enhancing marine biodiversity and ecosystem functioning on the manmade rip-rap seawall at Tai Shue Wan |
| | Dr LUI Kwok Ho Davis | Utility of Photoacoustic Imaging and Nanotechnology for Ocular Diagnosis and Treatment |
| | Mr TSE Yuet Tung (PhD student) | Full size microplastics pollution survey to the coastal marine water in Hong Kong |
22 September 2023 (Fri) | 09:30-11:30 | Mr Hammond TONG & Ms Karman MAN (Guest speakers) | Oyster - Natural Water Cleaners of the Oceans |
| | Dr MING Chang Cheryl | Differential Activities of Three bHLH Transcription Factors in Stimulating Proliferation and Dedifferentiation of Müller Glia in Mouse Retina |
| | Mr GUO Qiang (PhD student) | Enabling Activation of Rapid Bioorthogonal Chemistry by intracellular Reactive Oxygen Species |
30 October 2023 (Mon) | 09:30-11:30 | Dr CHAN Yuen Kwong Kelvin | Clinical applications of next generation sequencing in prenatal diagnosis and their utilities in study of dynamic chromatin architecture |
| | Dr MO Wing Yin Ian | Ecological services of an abandoned salt pan colonized with mangrove |
| | Mr GUO Minxing Lucas | |
11 March 2024 (Mon) | 10:00-12:00 | Dr TANG Chi Hung Charles | Research experience in microplastic pollution - current and future projects |
| | Dr LO Chi Chiu | Ecological restoration of artificial seawalls via ecological engineering approaches and the potential impact of global warming on a desirable ecosystem function |
| | Ms HUI Ching Ching (MPhil student) | An investigation on the potential antibacterial agents in microalgae and Chinese medicinal herbs for extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacterales (ESBL-PE) |
15 April 2024 (Mon) | 10:00-12:00 | Dr DENG Dan | Isolation and Identification of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) Degrading Microalgae from Wastewater and Their Degradation Mechanism |
| | Mr CAO Yang (PhD student) | How does Acanthus obstruct tide flow affecting material exchange, nutrient cycling, and microorganisms in mangroves sediment? |
| | Ms CHAN Cheuk Yee Cherry (MPhil student) | Additional Effects of Phytohormone to Abiotic Stress on Lipid Enhancement in Microalgae |
20 May 2024 (Mon) | 10:00-12:00 | Professor CHEN Sijie (Guest speaker) | Fluorescent materials and their bio-applications |
| | Ms LAM Winnie (RA from Prof. Fred LEE's research group) | Toxicological effects of Karenia mikimotoi on in vitro fish gill cell line |
| | Ms O Ching Yi Winnie (MPhil student) | The Growth Stimulating and Algal Toxin Attenuating Effects of Chinese Medicine on Medaka |
24 June 2024 (Mon) | 10:00-12:00 | Mr LEE Chun Hung Thomas (PhD student) | Algicidal Interaction between Maribacter dokdonensis and Karenia mikimotoi |
| | Dr SHI Ling Sophie | De novo genome assembly and comparative genomics analysis |
| | Mr LAI Ho Yin (MPhil student) | Investigate the Potential and Challenges of Engineered Bacteriophage P2 for Phage Therapy Against Antibiotic Resistant Enterobacteriaceae |
30 August 2024 (Fri) | 10:00-12:00 | Dr Kenny WU Rongben | |
| | Dr GEOGHEGAN Kevin Joseph | The effects of decadal ocean warming on the energy consumption (respiration) and foraging of the rocky shore crab Eriphia ferox. In addition the effects of decadal warming and a marine heatwave on the recovery capacity of their physiology and microbiome |
| | Mr LAGHARI Shafeeque Ur Rehman (MPhil student) | Microplastics Pollution in the Coastal Region of an Urbanized City and Its Effects on Copepods |
11 November 2024 (Mon) | 10:00-12:00 | Dr MO Wing Yin Ian | Introduction to Two Secured Research Funding: Research Impact Fund & Team-Based Research Fund |
| | Mr LAI King Yip Kaze | Characterization of epiphytic microbial communities on pneumatophores of Avicennia marina |
| | Ms SHAM Yik Tung (MPhil student) | Photocatalytic H2O2 Production Coupled with Advanced Oxidation Process for Ballast Water Disinfection |
6 December 2024 (Fri) | 14:00-16:00 | Prof. Ir Korneel Rabaey (Ghent University) | Electrochemical in situ extraction enables high purity product recovery from bioproduction |
16 December 2024 (Mon) | 10:00 - 12:00 | Dr LAI Keng Po Ball | Multi-Omics approach: hepatic and reproductive toxicities induced by prenatal PFOS exposure |
| | Dr XU Xiaoyu | Exposure of intertidal invertebrates to microplastics |
| | Ms DAI Wanqing (PhD student) | Surface engineering with nanomaterials and laser technology: Towards advanced microfluidic devices with enhanced antimicrobial and sensing capabilities |