2024 Spring Roadshow for Distance-learning and Part-time Programmes

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The School of Open Learning (SOL) organized a two-day “2024 Spring Roadshow for Distance-learning and Part-time Programmes” at Hollywood Plaza in Diamond Hill from 11 to 12 November. The roadshow introduced the basic information of HKMU, student support services, student financial assistance scheme, and displayed the distance-learning and part-time programmes offered by various Schools for the spring term of 2024.

Our professors, staff, and student volunteers from different Schools and departments were present at the roadshow to answer questions related to the programmes and provide academic advisory services. The exhibition attracted a lot of people who stopped by to make enquiries, and many decided to register on the spot after seeing the course content and format.

On December 2, the SOL will hold the “2024 Spring Distance Learning Course Information Day” at the Jockey Club Campus in Ho Man Tin. Interested individuals are welcome to come and learn about our distance-learning and part-time programmes, admission requirements, course features, tuition fees, and other information.