突破限制 運動員全新出發之路

Student Affairs Office 突破限制 運動員全新出發之路

Beyond limits, athlete to make a fresh start 突破限制 運動員全新出發之路

Stick your dream, never give up

為夢想 永不停下

Mr. Lam Tin Wing (Ah Wing), a wheelchair athlete, bicycle enthusiast. He was depressed with a traffic accident with a disability when he was young. He re-energizes with perseverance and never gives up, and continues to pursue his dream in another way with becoming a wheelchair athlete. In the interview by our student Gabby, Ah Wing encouraged students to stick to their dream, break through the boundaries, and push the envelope.

輪椅運動員藍天穎 (阿Wing) 是一名單車愛好者,年青時的一宗交通意外導致他半身不遂,一度意志消沉的他憑着堅毅而不放棄的心重新振作,以另一種形式繼續追夢,成為一名輪椅運動員。於這次由都大學生Gabby的訪談中,阿Wing鼓勵學生要堅持夢想,突破現在,挑戰極限。

5-minute exclusive interview 藍天穎專訪 (5分鐘)