破風過後 車神護航之路

Student Affairs Office 破風過後 車神護航之路

A Legend Cyclist and After 破風過後 車神護航之路

Stick to your dream, never give up

為夢想 永不停下

On 7 Dec 2021, we were honoured to have Mr. Wong Kam Po (Kam Po), a legend cyclist who won three-time Asian Games gold medalist, three-time National Games gold medalist and five-time Olympian, to share his career story in sports with our students.   Led by Prof. Ricky Kwok, Vice-president (Students & Support), two students (Chloe & Stan) acted as emcees and student moderators in that sharing session to discuss with Kam Po.  Although the sharing was held in the peak season of academic assignment and quiz, it didn't affect the warm and rich dialogue between moderators, students and Kam Po.  Students were encouraged by Kam Po's career story for a positive and resilience attitude at work. “Every day is a new start.  Yesterday success or failure is passed.” Kam Po said.

學生事務處於2021年12月7日有幸邀請黃金寶先生到都大與同學分享單車運動員的職業生涯。黃金寶先生是香港單車界的傳奇,他曾奪得世界場地單車錦標賽冠軍、三奪亞運金牌、全運金牌及五度出戰奧運。在都大副校長(學生事務及支援)郭予光教授的帶領下,這次由兩名學生(Chloe & Stan)擔任司儀並跟黃金寶先生同台討論。雖然今次的分享會正值考試季節,但絲毫無阻黃金寶先生與學生之間的熱烈交流。黃金寶先生的運動員職業生涯鼓勵同學在工作中保持正面和剛毅不屈的態度。「每一天都是新的開始,昨天的成功或失敗都已經過去了。」

Wong Kam Po Poster (7 Dec)

Sharing Review - Mr. Wong Kam Po

5-minute exclusive interview with
Mr. Wong Kam Po 黃金寶專訪 (5分鐘)

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