Research Collaboration

Office of Research Affairs and Knowledge Transfer Research Related Services Research Collaboration
Collaboration in research has increased significantly worldwide since the late 20th century1. There was also evidence2 that there is a positive correlation between productivity and the amount of collaboration of the authors. Through collaborating with other researchers, one may gain many benefits, such as knowledge from other disciplines or access to research data/instrument/facilities. Academic colleagues in our University are well aware of the importance of research collaboration and have requested support in seeking potential partners with whom to work.
To meet the needs of our colleagues, the RAO provides systematic assistance in identifying suitable partners for research collaboration. If you are looking for partners for research, please send a completed Research Collaboration Request Form to Dr Billy Wong (, and we will identify potential research partners according to your preferred way of seeking collaborators. The form can be obtained by clicking the link below:
 Research Collaboration Request Form
1 For example, a search was carried out in July 2015 in the Web of Science, which showed that 59.4% of the papers in Social Science on the topic of 'open education' had more than one author in 2000–2001 — but the percentage of co-authored papers increased to 67.2% in 2007–2008, and then 75.2% in 2014–2015.
2 Lee, S., & Bozeman, B. (2005). The impact of research collaboration on scientific productivity. Social Studies of Science, 35(5), 673–702.