Financial Support for Editing External Research Proposals

Office of Research Affairs and Knowledge Transfer Financial Support for Editing External Research Proposals

The University provides financial support for language editing of proposals for external research grants, including RGC funding and other external research grants. This financial support aims to assist academics to be provided with editing suggestions for improving/polishing their proposals before the proposals are submitted to external funding bodies. 

Each proposal for an external research grant is given the financial support of $4,000 for language editing. This financial support is given to each external research grant proposal once only. Proposals should be edited by a paid professional language editing service provider. The amount that a service provider charges often depends on the length of the proposal and the time allowed for editing. The maximum amount of editing fee that a proposal may claim is $4,000.

The payment process is administered by individual Schools with the University's research & development expense budget. Please contact FFMO (Payment Section) if your School Office has any enquiry on the payment process.

Academics are welcome to use this financial support for editing external research proposals, and keep in mind that they are responsible for the quality of their proposals.

For general enquiries, please contact:
Mr Terry Lee at 2768-6719 or
Ms Candy Leung at 2768-6251 or