The Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education of Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU LiPACE) has launched “International Lifelong Learning Festival”, a five-month programme starting in September 2024. This initiative allows students to immerse themselves in the cultures and knowledge of other countries, promoting “internationalization-in-place”, “intercultural awareness”, and “inclusiveness” as central to their co-curricular learning, aiding in the creation of a cohesive student community with outward vision to interact with other cultures.
“International Lifelong Learning Festival” kicked off in September with a series of high-profile interactions, including a visit by Mr. Timo Kantola, the Finnish Consul General to Hong Kong and Macao to inaugurate the Moomin Corner in the campus and talk about Finnish notions of happiness. In early October, in collaboration with the Zimbabwean Consulate in Hong Kong, Mr. Ellias Mutamba, Zimbabwean Consul General, and Mr. Desmond Makosa, Consular Officer for Culture and Tourism, engaged with students at the Kwai Hing campus. They discussed Zimbabwe's rich natural landscapes and cultural heritage and the country's leading role in gastronomy tourism, supplemented by a tasting session featuring imported Zimbabwean specialties like jumbo blueberries, herbal tea, and authentic Zimbabwean snacks, which are rarely found in Hong Kong.
On 29 October 2024, an important milestone was achieved as HKMU LiPACE signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the American University in Cairo' s School of Continuing Education. This agreement aims to enhance academic collaboration and facilitate exchanges at different levels. It also promises more broadening opportunities for students to understand the Middle East which is being explored as a new economic partner. H.E. Baher Sheweikhi, the Egyptian Consul General to Hong Kong and Macao, shared his views and wishes for this partnership.
The cultural event showcased a representative film by renowned Egyptian director Amir Ramses -“Cairo Time” (2015), depicting contemporary Egyptian society and people. Participants also had the opportunity to explore Egyptian culture through a curated selection of books and sample an array of traditional Egyptian foods and fruits, offering therefore a comprehensive cultural immersion experience.
- H.E. Ambassador Baher SHEWEIKHI, Consul General of Consulate General of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Hong Kong SAR & Macao SAR
- Mr. Sherief MALATY, Deputy Consul General of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Hong Kong SAR & Macao SAR
- Dr Benjamin CHAN Tak-yuen, Dean of HKMU LiPACE
The “International Lifelong Learning Festival” will extend its reach by hosting subsequent cultural events about Hungary (December), Japan (December), and South Africa (January).. Further information will be available on the institute's website:
香港都會大學李嘉誠專業進修學院 (HKMU LiPACE) 從2024年9月起開展爲期五個月的「國際文化周」,讓學生沉浸式體驗及學習其他國家的文化與知識,提倡「在地國際化」、「跨文化意識」和「共融」,作為聯課學習的核心,幫助建立融和的學生群體。
HKMU LiPACE從9月開始舉辦「國際文化周」,先後邀請芬蘭駐港澳總領事Mr. Timo Kantola到校園進行交流,以及10月初與津巴布韋駐香港總領事館合作,邀請津巴布韋駐香港總領事 Mr. Ellias Mutamba及津巴布韋駐香港文化及旅遊部領事 Mr. Desmond Makosa 親臨葵興校園,與同學分享津巴布韋壯麗的自然景觀及風土人情。當日亦特別從津巴布韋訂購當地特產,包括珍寶藍莓、茶葉以及在港罕見的當地小食等,同學不單品嚐到津巴布韋的美食,更即場與領事館代表進行文化交流,向「在地國際化」踏出新一步。
2024年10月29日,HKMU LiPACE在葵興校園與中東頂級大學埃及開羅美國大學簽署合作備忘錄(MOU),深化兩地師生的交流與合作,共享兩地的學術資源以及爲學生提供了更多的國際就業機會,拓闊學生畢業後的發展道路。埃及駐香港及澳門總領事H.E. Baher Sheweikhi 亦會與大家分享對合作的期許與計劃藍圖。
同場舉辦免費電影活動,欣賞以開羅為背景的電影Cairo Time,展現當代埃及的人民和文化面貌。此外,參加人士亦可透過在場展出的精選書籍探討埃及文化,以及品嚐各種來自當地的水果和美食,全方位沉浸在埃及文化中。
- 埃及駐香港及澳門總領事 H.E. Baher Sheweikhi
- 埃及駐香港及澳門副總領事 Mr. Sherief Malaty
- 香港都會大學李嘉誠專業進修學院院長 曾德源博士