FHDCRM Higher Diploma in Criminology

Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE) Higher Diploma / Diploma Programmes FHDCRM Higher Diploma in Criminology
Detectives at work in CSI Room
Preparing for a Career in the
Disciplinary Forces
Class Photo

Mode of Study


Medium of Instruction

Except for Chinese language courses, lectures will be conducted in English (supplemented with Chinese as appropriate) and teaching notes and course assessments are in English.


2 Years Full-time


Full-Time :
[Local Students] HK$129,800
(Paid in 4 equal installments, HK$32,450 each semester)

Continuing Education Fund

This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund


[ Consent for CEF Course Participant upon Enrolment]




  • Programme designed to equip students with knowledge in criminal justice system, criminology and forensic science.
  • Provides practical training to enhance graduates' chances of getting into disciplinary forces.
  • Graduates may apply for direct admission to Year 3 of the HKMU 4-year degree programme in Applied Social Studies (Criminology, Social Policy and Youth Studies or Cultural and Heritage Studies specialization), Year 3 of the HKMU 4-year degree programme in Politics and Public Administration.


Track record of graduates recruited into the Disciplinary Forces

Graduates articulating to UGC

 FONG Ting-cheong
  • City University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Social Sciences in Public Policy and Politics
兩年犯罪學課程為我提供一個全面的自我提升平台。透過課堂互動、課外體驗及機構實習,除了養成批判思考的習慣外,我還建立了主動積極的態度以及良好的人際技巧。以上元素皆為我往後人生打穩根基,課程統籌Ms Lai、導師們及同屆學習夥伴都應記一功。在此祝願各位可以找到合適平台,把握每個機會發展個人獨特優勢,將來定可走出屬於你自己的路!

 FU Ho-leung Kenny
  •  City University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Social Sciences in Criminology and Sociology
由中學時期到現在,我不是班中最聰明或成績最好的學生。但憑著自己的堅持和努力 加上老師們悉心教導 令我獲益良多和在都會大學LiPACE校內取得優異成績並且獲得獎學金,我更成功地升讀城大的學士課程三年級。我想藉著今次的機會,鼓勵今年DSE同學們,找到自己適合目標和興趣,只要努力及不怕困難,抱著永不放棄的精神 ,never too late 最後一定會成功的。

 FUNG Sze-ching Celia
  •  City University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Social Sciences in Criminology and Sociology
這個課程配備良好的師資和環境讓我去認識更多關於犯罪學與香港社會的議題,除了學習課本上的知識,課程統籌Ms Lai亦安排一系列的活動,例如參觀各紀律部隊的總部或訓練學校、參觀懲教院所、機構實習等,這些寶貴的經驗都令我有所反思和成長。
Ms Lai和導師除了教授同學,也很關心同學的理想與去向,這兩年令我為自己訂立了更清晰的目標及為日後升學或投身社會奠定基石。

Programme Information
Facilities and Training
Entry Requirement
Programme Structure
Articulation Pathways
Career Prospect
Work-integrated Learning, Visits and Career Talks
Words from the Programme Leader
Graduates' Sharing
Media Coverage