Important Notice for Semester A 2021-2022 Examinations (Higher Diploma, Diploma and Diploma Yi Jin)

Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE) Student Area (Full-time Programme) Important Notice for Semester A 2021-2022 Examinations (Higher Diploma, Diploma and Diploma Yi Jin)





Students of Higher Diploma, Diploma and Diploma Yi Jin Programmes


Registry Unit (Examination, Graduation and Timetabling)


Semester A 2021-2022 Examinations


29 November 2021



Dear students,


The examinations for Semester A 2021-2022 will be held from 29 December 2021 to 7 January 2022. In the attachments please find the Examination Timetable and 'Student Guidelines on Examination'. Students should read the attachments and check carefully of the examination date, time and venue. Applicants of Special Examinations Arrangement will be received the application results individually via email. 


The Examination Timetable is also available at the “Full-time Student Area” of the School's website at


Points to note:


  1. Please arrive at the examination venue 30 minutes before the examination time for Health Declaration Form and body temperature checking. All candidates are required to scan the designed “LeaveHomeSafe” QR code or filling in a data form before entering the campus (KHC & MCC). Candidates arriving late will not be given extra time. After the examination starts for 30 minutes, candidates will not be allowed to enter the examination venue.
  2. According to the advice of the Department of Health, students with the following conditions should not go to the examination centre and attend examinations but consult a doctor promptly:
    1. Fever (body temperature at or higher than 38 °C), regardless of the presence of acute respiratory tract infection symptoms such as cough or shortness of breath;
    2. No fever but with the presence of acute respiratory tract infection symptoms
    3. In mandatory quarantine
  3. Before entering the examination centre, students must put on their own surgical mask properly (with the nose, mouth and chin fully covered). During the examinations, students are required to put on a surgical mask properly and should not remove it.
  4. Candidates should not leave the examination room during the first half-hour and the last 15 minutes of the examination.
  5. If a candidate wishes to leave the examination room, they should raise their hands and get permission from the invigilator.
  6. Please bring along your Student Card or HKID Card to the examination venue for verification purpose.
  7. For Listening Examination/Test: candidates will not be allowed to enter the examination venue when the listening part has started. Candidates can enter the exam venue after the listening part has been finished. The listening part will not be marked if the candidate missed the listening examination due to late arrival.
  8. A candidate alleged to have committed misconduct under Student Guidelines on Examination 7.1 or to have failed to comply with any of the instructions governing the conduct of an examination specified by the Institute from time to time, shall be liable to proceedings by the Institute as specified in the ‘Policy Guidelines on Academic Regulations’.
  9. The re-examinations will be held on 12-19 March 2022. Detailed information will be announced in due course.


Please call the School hotline on 3120-9988 if you have any question. 


















2021-2022 學年上學期考試將於20211229日至20221 7期間舉行。隨函附上考試時間表及「考生須知」,請於考試前仔細閱讀及注意考試日期、時間及地點。申請特別考試安排的同學將會獲個別電郵通知。






  1. 於考試前仔細閱讀考試時間表(見附件),並提早30分鐘到達試場填寫健康申報表及測量體溫。進入李嘉誠專業進修學院校園(包括葵興校園及荔景校園)的所有考生必須使用「安心出行」流動應用程式掃描場所二維碼或填寫個人資料,方可進入校園範圍。遲到考生將不獲補時。遲到超過30分鐘的考生,不准進入試場;
  2. 根據衞生防護中心的建議,出現以下情況的考生不應赴考:
    • 出現發燒(體溫達到攝氏38度或以上);
    • 沒有發燒,但有急性呼吸道感染徵狀;
    • 於考試當日正接受政府指定的強制檢疫
  3. 考生進入試場前,必須正確地戴上自備外科口罩(口罩須完全覆蓋口、鼻和下巴);考試期間,考生不可除下口罩。
  4. 在開考後30分鐘及考試結束前15分鐘,考生均不得離開試場;
  5. 考生如需離開試場,需舉手示意並獲得監考員批准;
  6. 考生需攜帶學生證或香港身份證進入試場以作身份識別之用;
  7. 如科目考試包含聆聽部份,監考員於考試開始後,將不准任何考生進入試場。遲到考生只能在試場外靜待,直至聆聽部份考試完結為止,方可進入試場。考生因遲到而錯過聆聽考試,其聆聽考試部份將得不到分數。
  8. 倘考生被指稱違反考試規例(考生須知1),或未能完全遵照學院為考試事宜所規定的任何細則,學院會根據「教務規例」處分。
  9. 補考將於2022312日至19日舉行,詳情將稍後公佈。

