
Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE) 本院於元朗博愛江夏圍村舉辦了一系列家長教育活動

本院於元朗博愛江夏圍村舉辦了一系列家長教育活動,主要對象為基層市民‧多場以芬蘭式STEAM活動教學的工作坊已順利舉行‧在6月29日舉辦的芬蘭式親子STEAM遊戲體驗中,參與的眾多家長及其子女們攜手製作了一個3米高的巨型穹頂。透過活動,小朋友們可以初次接觸到幾何學和建築方面的知識,並能從中體驗到工程學的有趣之處。香港都會大學校董會主席黃天祥博士 工程師、本院院長曾德源博士以及來自韋斯屈萊大學的本院訪問學者Kristof Fenyvesi博士當日到場與參加者進行交流。

LiPACE has dedicated itself to serving grassroot community by running parent education workshops in Yuen Long’s Pok Oi Kong Ha Wai Village.  In addition, several activity-based workshops informed by Finnish STEAM education have been implemented.  The latest series saw parents and their children working together to build a geodesic dome.  Through such kind of activity, young children are exposed to geometry and architecture, giving them their first experience of building a structure and in the process becoming inspired by the marvels of engineering work.  The Chairman of the HKMU Council, Ir Dr Conrad Wong, was joined by the Dean of LiPACE (Dr Benjamin Chan) and Visiting Fellow (Dr. Kristof Fenyvesi) from Jyvaskyla University, for an onsite mingling with the participants.