Research Consultation Service (test)

Library User Support Research Consultation Service (test)

Research Consultation Service

Research Consultation Service aims at supporting the research needs of our faulty members, postgraduate students and undergraduate students. Here are some examples of the topics that could be covered in a consultation session:

  • Recommendation of databases and other resources most relevant to your research or assignment topic
  • Developing a search strategy
  • Beginning a literature review
  • Searching library databases effectively and obtaining the full text of journal articles
  • Identifying high-impact or top journals in your research area
  • Using citation databases to find the most cited references which are relevant to your research topic
  • Managing references and citations

To schedule a one-on-one or small group appointment with our reference librarian, either in person or via Zoom, please fill out our online booking form. You will receive a confirmation email once your booking is successful.