(draft2)Alma project

Library (draft2)Alma project
Preparation for migration
Users are advised to make a copy of personal records in e-shelf and loan history if needed.
Preparation of technical freeze
Temporary arrangements for Interlibrary Loan Service.
Technical freeze
Self-checkout service are temporary suspended in both campus libraries.
Online checking of borrower record temporarily suspend.
HKMU E-Library system migration
Borrowing and returning of book loans maintain at both campus libraries.
Browsing and searching of resources in E-Library, and access to e-resources remain normal.
Online checking of borrower record, online renew and online request temporarily suspend.
HKMU E-Library Go Live!
Launching of the new E-Library system.
CSIDS Catalogue system migration
Browsing and searching of resources in CSIDS catalogue remain normal.
Checking of borrower record and online request temporarily suspend.
CSIDS Catalogue Go Live!
Launching of the new CSIDS Catalogue.
13.6.2023 - 5.7.2023
13 June 2023
Temporary arrangements for Interlibrary Loan Service start
13 June 2023
Thursday, August 31, 2020
Card #1
Thursday, August 31, 2020
Thursday, August 31, 2020
Card #1
Thursday, August 31, 2020
Thursday, August 31, 2020
Card #1
Thursday, August 31, 2020
Thursday, August 31, 2020
Card #1
Thursday, August 31, 2020
Thursday, August 31, 2020
Card #1
Thursday, August 31, 2020
Thursday, August 29, 2020
Service Suspension Start
Thursday, August 29, 2020
Thursday, August 28, 2020
Service Suspension End
Thursday, August 28, 2020
July 5, 2023
New System Launch
July 5, 2023

Have you ever stopped to think about what's going on behind the scenes when you borrowed a book from the library? Starting from searching on our e-Library, locating the item, checking out at the service counter, and even renewing the item online by yourself, to make every step running smoothly, a good library system is involved in the backstage.

This summer, there will be a huge change in our E-library system – we are upgrading it to Alma! With the new E-library system, workflows will be streamlined, efficiency will be boosted, and services will be enhanced. You could also have a refined searching experience with our upgraded search tool. Let’s get ready to explore all the exciting features with us!

Table of Contents

Example 1

Have you ever stopped to think about what's going on behind the scenes when you borrowed a book from the library? Starting from searching on our e-Library, locating the item, checking out at the service counter, and even renewing the item online by yourself, to make every step running smoothly, a good library system is involved in the backstage.

This summer, there will be a huge change in our E-library system – we are upgrading it to Alma! With the new E-library system, workflows will be streamlined, efficiency will be boosted, and services will be enhanced. You could also have a refined searching experience with our upgraded search tool. Let’s get ready to explore all the exciting features with us!

Example 2

Have you ever stopped to think about what's going on behind the scenes when you borrowed a book from the library? Starting from searching on our e-Library, locating the item, checking out at the service counter, and even renewing the item online by yourself, to make every step running smoothly, a good library system is involved in the backstage.

This summer, there will be a huge change in our E-library system – we are upgrading it to Alma! With the new E-library system, workflows will be streamlined, efficiency will be boosted, and services will be enhanced. You could also have a refined searching experience with our upgraded search tool. Let’s get ready to explore all the exciting features with us!