News 學系消息

Department of Humanities, Language and Translation News 學系消息


18 Oct 2024 (Fri)

You are invited to an online public lecture titled “Cyberpsychology in the Age of AI,” which is part of the HEResearch* Global Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series.

We are honored to have Dr. Jaimee STUART from the United Nations University Institute in Macau as our distinguished speaker, Prof. Liangwen KUO from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and our own Dr. Kaby KUNG as discussants. Dr. Penn IP, who is also our colleague, will chair the session with Guido APPOLDT.

About the Lecture:

Pervasive and omnipresent connection to digital technology and the growth in artificial intelligence (AI) has had a profound impact on our everyday work and lives. Digital technologies are influencing our psychology, shaping the ways we think, feel, and act as well as increasing our capabilities. Cyberspace can no longer be contrasted with the “real” world and is arguably an extended sphere of life where there are new opportunities, risks, and potentialities, but is also a place where human needs can be met. The field of cyberpsychology seeks to understand the psychological processes underlying computer-human interactions and to explicate the motivations, mechanisms, and impacts of technology in our lives. Research highlights digital technologies create affordance that may change the way we behave, our attitudes, and how we interact with one another for both the good and the bad. In the age of AI where digital tools are more sophisticated than ever before and algorithms dictate much of the information we are exposed to, it is more important than ever to understand the potential impacts of technologies on our health and well-being. This lecture introduces emerging research at the intersection of psychology and AI, emphasizing both risks and opportunities, and critically assessing AI's role in a future that supports human flourishing.

*HEResearch (學術巾幗) is a collaborative project organized by the School of Arts and Social Sciences at our university and the School of Media and Communication at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

25 Sep 2024 (Wed)

Calling our full-time undergraduates who are interested in creative writing:

  1. HKMU English creative writing competition opens on 4th Nov 2024 (Mon). Stay tuned!
  2. Dr Eric Sandberg (CityU) will give a masterclass on fiction on 4th Oct 2024 (Fri). Scan the QR to register now

16 Sep 2024 (Mon)

If you are interested in ordering our own Dr Jonathan Ngai's (2020) book on newspaper genres, be sure you use the discount code at the checkout to enjoy 20% off. Valid till 20 Sept.

11 Sep 2024 (Wed)

All HLT freshmen are welcome!

10 Sep 2024 (Tue)

4 Sep 2024 (Wed)
Our School has invited Anthony Chen, an award-winning film director, screenwriter, and film producer, to be the Artist in Residence! He will conduct public lectures and workshops for us. Students who are interested in film production and script writing cannot afford to miss them.


29 Aug 2024 (Thur)

28 Aug 2024 (Wed)

19 June 2024 (Wed)

7 June 2024 (Fri)
On 6th June 2024, HLT hosted a research sharing session where Prof. Gray Kochhar-Lindgren, Honorary Professor in the Humanities and Affiliated Faculty with Comparative Literature at the University of Hong Kong, talked about the transdisciplinary inclination in research and education. Colleagues who attended the session benefited greatly from it.

9 May 2024 (Thur)
香港都會大學人文社會科學院何陳婉珍粵劇研藝中心及田家炳中華文化中心聯合舉辦的專題講座「遇見曲藝 — 傳統藝術的傳承與創新」 反應熱烈,已於2024年4月30日完滿舉行。非常感謝學院老師、都大學生、公眾及傳媒朋友的支持!

5 April 2024 (Fri)

The last two seminars on language, translation and technology will be held on Apr 12 and 23 respectively. Check out the images and visit for details. 

22 Mar 2024 (Fri)
Two more seminars in case you have missed the previous ones. Both of them will be conducted on Zoom 

See below for photos of the seminars held in Feb and Mar

21 Mar 2024 (Thur)

20 Mar 2024 (Wed)
本系中文榮譽文學士課程(JS 9011)連續3年舉辦畢業生分享會,是次活動於2024年3月19日舉行,邀請了5位畢業生回校分享他們在不同的行業的工作體驗,以及於不同大學進修碩士的經驗。師兄姐們分享時勉勵師弟妹要勇敢追求自己理想。近40名主修中文的同學出席活動,收穫滿滿!

18 Mar 2024 (Mon)

地點:香港都會大學賽馬會校園 D座3樓呂辛(振萬)演講廳(D0309室)
邱禮濤博士(Dr Herman Yau)是香港著名導演,以題材大膽、拍攝手法創新見稱。他執導過80部以上的各類型的電影,包括恐怖片、血腥片、勵志片、搞笑片、黑社會片及探索社會問題的紀實劇情片等,由較低成本到大製作,產量之多,在華語電影中實屬罕見。除了當導演之外,他亦是一位作家、文化研究者和雜誌撰稿人。

12 Mar 2024 (Tue)
Our fifth film screening and talk this Friday. Save the date and see you 😉

12 Mar 2024 (Tue)
Calling 😻🐶 animal lovers and 🎞 film lovers 📢📢📢 Seminars for you on 14 Mar and 19 Mar 😉

11 Mar 2024 (Mon)
Two seminars on language, translation and technology will be held this afternoon and on 14 March! Click on the images and visit for details. We look forward to seeing you very soon😊

11 Mar 2024 (Mon)
Newly released book volume on the Poetics of Grief and Melancholy

Edited by Dr. Chi Sum Garfield Lau and Dr. Kelly Kar Yue Chan, this book volume The Poetics of Grief and Melancholy in East–West Conflicts and Reconciliations is compiled to examine the representation, aesthetics and dichotomy of the notions of grief and melancholy in East–West exchanges and cultural dialogues. It investigates the topic in the dimensions of individual behaviors under specific social norms, cultural products such as literature and film, and outputs of rituals such as funeral banners and wreath messages.
For more information of the book, visit:…/10.1007/978-981-99-9821-0_1
Congratulations Dr Lau and Dr Chan🎉

8 Mar 2024 (Fri)
Hong Kong, Art, and Poetry: Four Poets in Dialogue was held successfully on 31 Jan. If you have missed it, you can watch the full session on our YouTube channel 😊:

8 Mar 2024 (Fri)

4 Mar 2024 (Mon)
Dr Timmy Chen will talk about Markus Nornes’s translation theory on 5 Mar (Tue). If you are interested in language, translation, and film studies, it is never too late to sign up for this seminar! 🙂

1 Mar 2024 (Fri)

26 Feb 2024 (Mon)

19 Feb 2024 (Mon)
The second screening and talk of our Life and Film Series (2024 Spring) will be held on 23 Feb. Click on the image for details!

16 Feb 2024 (Tue)
If you'd like to widen your exposure to English, look no further. The first two seminars of our series entitled Dive into English will be held on 20 and 29 Feb.

16 Feb 2024 (Tue)
We are pleased to present the Guest Seminar Series on Language, Translation and Technology, where scholars in the field will discuss how the emerging technologies are reshaping language and translation on Zoom. The first three seminars will be held in late Feb and early March. Click on the images and visit for details.

15 Feb 2024 (Thur)
The 4th seminar of our Metropolitan Humanities Series entitled “Appreciating Words, Images, and … Silence: A Response to 'Why Study Literature and Culture?'” was held successfully on 9 February 2024. During the talk, our own Professor Amy Lee shared how good literature📒🖋 is never of an age, but for all time.

27 Jan 2024 (Sat)

22 Jan 2024 (Mon)


17 Jan 2024 (Wed)
Why study literature and culture? If you have this question in mind or if you would like to gain insight into it, join our upcoming seminar to be given by Professor Amy Lee on 9 Feb! 😉

16 Jan 2024 (Tue)

Our own Dr Antony Huen is organising an event called Hong Kong, Art, and Poetry: Four Poets in Dialogue. On 31 Jan, four poets based in/from Hong Kong — Nicholas Wong, Collier Nogues, Jennifer Wong, and Tim Tim Cheng — will read their English-language poetry and discuss their creative practices. Do register and attend the event in person!

Nicholas Wong is a poet, translator and visual artist from Hong Kong. He is the author of Crevasse and Besiege Me. IG: @citiesofsameness

Collier Nogues is Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She writes at the intersection of digital and documentary poetics, with an emphasis on making connections across decolonization and demilitarization movements in the U.S. and in the Pacific. Her poetry collections include the hybrid print/interactive volume The Ground I Stand On Is Not My Ground (Drunken Boat, 2015) and On the Other Side, Blue (Four Way, 2011).

Jennifer Wong was born and raised in Hong Kong and now lives in the UK. She has a creative writing PhD from Oxford Brookes University. Wong is the author of 回家 Letters Home (Nine Arches Press, 2020), which was named the PBS Spring 2020 Wild Card Choice. Her book, Identity, Home and Writing Elsewhere in Contemporary Chinese Diaspora Poetry was published by Bloomsbury in 2023.

Tim Tim Cheng is a poet from Hong Kong, currently based between Edinburgh and London. She is the author of Tapping At Glass (VERVE, 2023) and The Tattoo Collector (Nine Arches Press, 2024). She also edits, translates, writes lyrics, and hosts a Cantonese poetry podcast 英詩乞衣 ying si hat yi.

8 Jan 2024 (Mon)

On 21st December 2023, HLT hosted a research sharing session, where Prof. Eva Man, Chair Professor of Humanities, offered our colleagues valuable advice on networking. Here are the snapshots!

5 Jan 2024 (Fri)

Call for Abstracts and Papers

HLT is going to co-host The Sixth International Conference on Linguistics and Language Studies (ICLLS 2024). If you are passionate about applied linguistics, language studies and language teaching, and have a cutting-edge idea to share, don't miss this exciting event!

*Link for registration*

*Conference website*

For enquiries, please email

17 Nov 2023 (Fri)

Prof. Guofang Li from UBC will visit us on 4 Dec 2023 (Mon) and deliver a seminar entitled ‘Changing Contexts, Changing Language Attitudes: Cantonese-Speaking Families’ Divergent Paths Toward Bidialectalism in Canada’

Here’s the registration link:

We can’t wait to see you!

9 Nov 2023 (Thur)

Seize the chance to join our last screening this term!

1 Nov 2023 (Wed)

Please refer to the flyer for the details of our fifth screening and talk. We look forwarding to seeing you there.

25 Oct 2023 (Wed)

WAI Ka-fai, who has won the Hong Kong Film Award for Best Director, will visit HKMU this Friday. Save the date!






下周五6 pm在IOH F0401 室將先放映韋家輝,杜琪峯導演的電影《大隻佬》,分享會隨後约於7:30開始;由文潔華教授,影評人登徒主持。


19 Oct 2023 (Thur)

Join us for the third in our Film x Life series if you are interested in artificial intelligence and identity. See you this Friday!

11 Oct 2023 (Wed)

Please refer to the flyer for the details of our second screening and talk. We look forwarding to seeing you there.

5 Oct 2023 (Thur)

You are invited to join the screening series on six consecutive Fridays from 6 October 2023. This screening series intends to reflect on life issues such as death (Christmas in August, Three Colors: Blue), female liberation (Blue), A.I. (Her), fate (Running on Karma), virus and existence (Ebola Syndrome), and colonialism and decolonization (The Battle of Algiers) through the interplay among films, philosophies and social realities.

Screenings will be followed by speakers' comment and discussion will be open, focusing on Humanities issues and film aesthetics.

The first screening and talk will be held tomorrow. See you!

13 Sep 2023 (Wed)

黃博士的研究項目爲漫郞與唐臣:元結及其文學的接受研究。盧博士的研究項目爲 「上海熱」:一九二〇年代的旅滬日本作家與中國現代作家研究。

13 Sep 2023 (Wed)





25 July 2023 (Tue)


14 July 2023 (Fri)


19 June 2023 (Mon)

13 June 2023 (Tue)

A sharing session on tips for a successful interview will be held on 27 June. Current HLT students are encouraged to register for it by 16 June.

Registration link:

29 May 2023 (Mon)

19 April 2023 (Wed)

Edited by Dr. Garfield Lau and Dr. Kelly Chan, the English book volume Conjugal Relationships in Chinese Culture: Sino-Western Discourses and Aesthetics on Marriage explores the presentation of conjugal relationships in Chinese culture and their perception in the West. It is a rich intellectual resource for scholars and students researching the historical roots, cultural interpretations, and evolving aspects of marriage as shown in literature and other relevant genres.

For more information of the book, visit:

由劉致心博士和陳家愉博士編著的Conjugal Relationships in Chinese Culture: Sino-Western Discourses and Aesthetics on Marriage 探討中國文化中夫妻關係的呈現方式及在西方世界中此等關係的體現。 對於研究文學和其他相關文體中婚姻的歷史根源、文化解釋和演變方法的學者和學生來說,此書可作為豐富的知識資源。要獲得本書的更多資訊,請瀏覽此鏈結:

19 April 2023 (Wed)

A series entitled “More about Careers” will be held from 21 Apr to 23 Apr. It will be of interest to our students majoring in language studies and translation. Do register and join us!

17 April 2023 (Mon)

  1. 中國文學文學碩士畢業生吳猛的文學評論〈芻論胡燕青文學創作的三個階段——以散文和新詩為例〉,獲本地文藝刊物《城市文藝》刊登(2022年12月第121期)。
  2. 中國文學文學碩士畢業生張元的小說〈前夜〉獲收錄於《香港文學》「九零後作家小說專輯」(2023年2月號總第458期):
  3. 中國文學文學碩士畢業生張元憑〈這一年〉榮獲「新聞晨報.周到」杯第二十五屆全國新概念作文大賽一等獎。新概念作文大賽由北京大學、清華大學、復旦大學、北京師範大學、華東師範大學、南京大學、南開大學、武漢大學、廈門大學、中山大學、浙江大學、中國人民大學、山東大學、上海戲劇學院全國十四所著名高校和《萌芽》雜誌社創始主辦。

24 March 2023 (Fri)


4 March 2023 (Sat)


3 March 2023 (Fri)

Our own Dr Patrick Lee will give a webinar for the Chartered Institute of Linguists Hong Kong Society on grammatical variations on 10 March. It is free. All are welcome!

1 March 2023 (Wed)

UG and PG students are welcome to attend our University English seminars on films and American food culture. Details can be found in the flyers. 

8 February 2023 (Wed)

The University English Series – Part II is about to begin. All the seminars are conducted in face-to-face mode on Wednesday afternoons. All UG and PG students are welcome. The Series aims to help you widen your exposure to the English language and Part 2 explores the uses of the language in a range of literary and linguistic settings. 

Here are the details of the first two seminars:

1) Pictures and Poetry: Artistic Crossovers (4 – 5pm, 15 Feb 2023)
Speaker: Dr. Antony Huen
Registration: Link

2) Talking about Films (4 – 5pm, 8 Mar 2023)
Speaker: Chase Ma
Registration: Link

16 Dec 2022 (Fri)

On 14 Dec, we had a Faculty Development Scheme application sharing session, in which our own Dr Venus Chan, Dr Christine Lo, Dr Antony Huen, and Dr Charlie Ng shared useful tips on how to write a good research proposal. More research sharing sessions will be coming soon! 

24 Nov 2022 (Thur)


14 Nov 2022 (Mon)


11 Nov 2022 (Fri)

Read the feature story about Fiona O, our Master of Arts in Applied English Linguistics (MAAELF) graduate, published in the third issue of MU Connect 都大與我

10 Nov 2022 (Thur)

Our UG and PG students are cordially invited to attend the third seminar of the University English Series to be held on 28 Nov (Mon). Don't miss the chance to learn how to express ideas in your own words as you write academic essays!

7 November 2022 (Mon)

為發揚香港本土粵劇唱腔傳統,人文社會科學院將於12月13日(星期二) 下午2:30 – 4:00 假本校賽馬會校園 (Jockey Club Campus) 舉辦「粵劇名腔的傳承與創作」講座,其時將作網上直播,歡迎公眾人士實體或於網上參加。


31 October 2022 (Mon)
Details of the guest seminar series on translation technology are as follows. All are welcome!

11 Nov  <Link>
17 Nov <Link>
21 Nov <Link>
29 Nov <Link>
1 Dec <Link>
1 Dec <Link>

26 October 2022 (Wed)

There are free face-to-face workshops and online seminars on translation technology.

All are welcome!

21 October 2022 (Fri)


20 October 2022 (Thur)


18 October 2022 (Tue)

Dr Venus Chan and her project team have created a series of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on translation technology. Details are as follows:

15 October 2022 (Sat)

14 October 2022 (Fri)

Dr Venus Chan and her project team have created a multifunctional interpreting and public speaking learning app. Feel free to download it. Have fun!

5 October 2022 (Wed)

We are pleased to announce the programme of our University English Series, which aims to help students become more competent users of English. The series is divided into two parts: (1) English for University Studies and (2) English in Other Contexts. All the seminars are conducted in face-to-face mode, and run for one to two hours on weekday afternoons. All UG and PG students are welcome.

Here are the details of the first two seminars:

1) Searching for Useful Sources (5 – 6pm, 19 Oct 2022)
Speaker: Dr. Garfield Lau
Registration: Link

2) How to Document Sources in Academic Writing (5 – 6pm, 7 Nov 2022)
Speaker: Dr. Patrick Lee
Registration: Link

28 September 2022 (Wed)

Dr. Antony Huen will conduct a project on Ekphrasis in Hong Kong poetry in English. Dr. Charlie Ng's project is concerned with the human-animal coexistence in contemporary environmental literature.

Our heartiest congratulations, Antony and Charlie!

23 September 2022 (Fri)


The Department is organizing a gathering on Wednesday October 5 for all new students from our three programmes. It is hoped that this gathering will help freshmen smooth out the bumps. The venue is Room E0311 in the Jockey Club Campus.

We have invited experienced staff from the Student Affairs Office, senior students and graduates from our three programmes to share with the students practical tips to survive uni life and experiences in overseas student exchange and how to organize a student association. There will also be a session where the students can chat casually with some teachers from the three programmes.

All new students from Year 1 to Year 3 are welcome!



25 August 2022 (Thur)

27 May 2022 (Mon)

24 June 2022 (Fri)

24 May 2022 (Tue)


17 May 2022 (Tue)


10 May 2022 (Tue)

19 Apr 2022 (Tue)

Our Master of Arts in Applied English Linguistics programme has invited Dr. Alex Leung of Northumbria University to give a talk. All are welcome!

12 Apr 2022 (Tue)


12 Apr 2022 (Tue)


HKMU JUPAS Online Consultation Day will be held on 21 May and the Department will take part in it. Please refer to the image and the official webpage for details.

誠邀聯招申請人、家長及老師參加我們的課程講座 All JUPAS applicants, parents and teachers are welcome.

立即登記 Registration:

4 Apr 2022 (Mon)


30 Mar 2022 (Wed)


29 Mar 2022 (Tue)


24 Feb 2022 (Thur)

We are excited to let you know that the second part of the University English Seminar Series – English in Other Contexts – will be held very soon. UG and PG students are welcome!

30 Jan 2022 (Sun)

The Department is organising “Secondary School Talks”. These talks will be delivered by our experienced faculty members who will explore with secondary school students the specially selected topics in Chinese, English and Translation. The overall aim is to enhance students' language abilities and to help strengthen their foundation for learning and preparation for public examinations.

28 Jan 2022 (Fri)


Wishing you good health and success in the Year of the Tiger!

27 Jan 2022 (Thur)



Struggling to write coherent sentences? Don't have the right words to express yourself? Want to improve your writing skills for coursework and everyday use? Sign up for “The Write Direction”! Brought to you by the Department of Humanities, Language and Translation, “The Write Direction” supports you by providing one-to-one consultations on writing in Chinese and English. You will get three personalized 1-hour sessions. The dates will be decided between you and your consultant. We will work with you to set and achieve goals to improve your language accuracy in written assignments, expand your vocabulary, create citations in the proper format and more. The guidance and exercises will be designed based on your needs. This personalized service is completely free. The customized schedule will give you extra flexibility as well. To join “The Write Direction,” simply scan the QR code on the poster to fill out the sign-up form. Registration begins on Monday, 31 Jan 2022. Spaces are limited, and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Why learn the hard way? Find the Write Direction.

10 Jan 2022 (Mon)

21 Dec 2021 (Tue)








1 Dec 2021 (Wed)

本系與田家炳中華文化中心將於2021年12月16日舉辦專題講座。是次活動邀請到徐瑋博士擔任主講嘉賓,以「以守舊為創新——略談晚清民國詞的一些特點」為題發表演講。講座將以ZOOM網上直播形式進行,誠邀 閣下出席。

19 Nov 2021 (Fri)


18 Nov 2021 (Thur)

The Department is launching the University English Series, which aims to help our students, both UG and PG, widen their exposure to the English language. Specifically, Part 1 – English for University Studies focuses on academic writing in English; Part 2 – English in Other Contexts explores the uses of English in a range of literary and linguistic settings. It is expected that a total of eight seminars will be offered throughout the academic year.

Here are details of the first part: