Panel III Narrating Posthumanism in Chinese Science Fiction: Rethinking Boundaries, Subjectivity and Relationships

Department of Humanities, Language and Translation Panel III Narrating Posthumanism in Chinese Science Fiction: Rethinking Boundaries, Subjectivity and Relationships

Panel III Narrating Posthumanism in Chinese Science Fiction: Rethinking Boundaries, Subjectivity and Relationships

Panel III


Narrating Posthumanism in Chinese Science Fiction: Rethinking Boundaries, Subjectivity and Relationships


Dr Xuying YU and Dr Kaby Wing Sze KUNG


How does science fiction challenge and redefine the boundaries between human and non-human, real and virtual, in the context of posthumanism? How do concepts such as AI consciousness, uploaded consciousness, and bioengineered identities contribute to the reimagining of individual subjectivity? With the blossoming of Chinese science fiction in the global context, especially within the scope of global Asia, this panel seeks to examine the depiction of the posthuman condition in Chinese science fiction. The panel will primarily focus on future notions of relationships, love, and care, particularly as human interactions may extend to cyborgs, clones, and other non-human entities.


Keynote Speaker

Professor Kin-Yuen WONG, Author and Independent scholar, UK

Topic: The Posthuman and Organological Ontology in Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction




Short Bio: Prof Wong Kin-yuen has taught in various universities in the USA, Taiwan and Hong Kong for over forty years. He has taught and done research in areas such as interdisciplinary literary and cultural studies, environmental ethics, gender studies,  Deleuzian philosophy and science fiction. He is the first scholar to bring in science fiction studies into English degree programme curriculum in Hong Kong. Throughout the years he has been especially interested in how the genre Science Fiction can be related to areas such as posthumanism, biosemiotics and environmental humanities. Recently he is working on a book on how the Deleuzian philosophy  can provide new insights into interpretation of  Chinese culture and poetics.



1.  Professor Hua LI, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Montana State University, US.

Topic: Posthuman Body, Technology, and Humanism in Chinese Cyber SF Novel Forty Millennia Of Authenticity Cultivation



Short Bio: Hua Li is a Professor of Chinese and the coordinator of China Studies program at Montana State University. Her research field is modern and contemporary Chinese literature. She has focused on Chinese science fiction studies in recent years. She has published two monographs, Contemporary Chinese Fiction by Su Tong and Yu Hua: Coming of Age in Troubled Times (Brill, 2011), and Chinese Science Fiction During the Post-Mao Cultural Thaw (University of Toronto Press, 2021). She has also published numerous journal articles and book chapters on various topics in contemporary Chinese literature, cinema, animation, and science fiction in Science Fiction Studies, Frontier of Literary Studies in China, Cambridge History of Science Fiction, and other peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes. She is currently co-editing a book volume with Mingwei Song and Nathaniel Isaacson entitled Chinese Science Fiction: Concepts, Forms, and Histories, which is forthcoming with Palgrave in early 2024.

2.  Dr Xi LIU, Associate Professor, Department of China Studies, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China.

Topic: Animal Narratives in Chen Qiufan's Sci-fi Writings



Short Bio: Dr. Xi LIU is an Associate Professor at the Dept. of China Studies, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. Her main research fields are Chinese literature and Chinese women’s studies. Her research articles appeared in journals including Literary Review, Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art, SFRA Review, Journal of Chinese Women’s Studies, and Frontiers of Literary Studies in China. She has published two monographs on Chinese literary and gender studies and has co-edited one volume on cultural studies of contemporary Northeast China.

3.  Dr Xuying YU, Department of Humanities, Language and Translation, Hong Kong Metropolitan University

Topic: Rethinking Subjectivity in Dung Kai-Cheung's Posthuman Sci-fi



Short Bio: Dr. Xuying Yu is an Associate Professor in the School of Arts and Social Sciences at Hong Kong Metropolitan University. Her research interests include Chinese science fiction, modern Chinese intellectual history, and Taiwanese literature. Dr. Yu has published several papers in leading Chinese journals and contributed book chapters to volumes published by Palgrave and Routledge. She has successfully secured research grants from various sources. These projects encompass studies on Chinese ecological science fiction, critical reflections on Anthropocene in Chinese science fiction, the May Fourth Movement and Chinese Enlightenment, as well as dystopia and anti-utopia in Chinese science fiction.

4.  Dr Kaby Wing Sze KUNG, Department of Humanities, Language and Translation, Hong Kong Metropolitan University

Topic: The Human/Posthuman in Liu Cixin's The Three-Body Problem and Its Subsequent Adaptations



Short Bio: Dr. Kaby Wing-Sze Kung is an Assistant Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the School of Arts and Social Sciences, and the Director of the Research Institute for Digital Culture and Humanities at Hong Kong Metropolitan University. Her research interests include Chinese Feminism, Chinese-Western Comparative Literature, Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature and Film, Chinese Diasporic Writing and Film, and Digital Humanities. She is the editor of Reconceptualizing the Digital Humanities in Asia: New Representations of Art, History, and Culture (2020)